Info and forum posts by 'manza'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 7th January 2002, 09:23, Last used: Monday, 7th January 2002, 09:23

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What was the music on this BBC advert?

If its the trailer I saw last night then its from the film A Beautiful Mind by
James Horner. The tracks called Kaleidoscope of Mathematics, you
can hear samples over at

Hope this helps.


RE: Song used at end of Alias tonight...

Bob Dylan Song: "Shelter From The Storm"

RE: Narc

Came out last week I think.


Farrell was great and have to agree about the pop songs. Running time
was far to short, Garner was a complete waste and the revenge thing
was done far better in the Crow.

Hey its better than the Hours though!

RE: Movietyme now shipping LOTR?

Received my R1 this morning.

RE: Band Of Brothers..... Any ideas?

Its just finished a repeat run on UK Drama.

RE: Volvo S60 advert : who`s the music by please ?

Its by the Dust Brothers from the film Fight Club and the tracks called
Stealing Fat.

RE: Resident Evil (the movie) - A Review

I saw this a couple of weeks ago and like you thought it was pretty good.
Had an "Aliens" feel to it and I thought Milla Jovovich was ok. Really liked
the bit with the dogs!

Read somewhere part 2 is already in production.
Worth a look.

RE: Donnie Darko- A must see film?

This film will keep you thinking for ages! I do think its either a love it or hate it movie. People will probably hate it because it doesn`t
have a straight forward conclusion. Like I said it will provoke alot of discussion
later. This film had a very limited release in the US and more than likely
won`t see the light of day in the UK, which is a shame.

Well worth a look.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th March 2002, 20:26

RE: Is it available?

I found this over at Amazon germany and I think it has an English
soundtrack aswell as German.

Hope this helps


RE: Star Trek Enterprise - is it repeated later in the week?


Never used WinMX, thanks for the tip. Any advice on using it?
I know what you mean about Morpheus it can be very hit and
miss when trying to find episodes.

Speed wise I get about 60kb/s like you.


RE: Star Trek Enterprise - is it repeated later in the week?


I used Morpheus, which at times can be a bit tedious. A fast
connection helps though, once I got dsl there was no looking

I also download Smallville, which has got better.

What about you?


RE: Star Trek Enterprise - is it repeated later in the week?

I`ve just seen the twelfth episode called Silent Enemy and this has been
the best so far. The Enterprise kicks some butt at last!

RE: Where to order French Films?

Yes, there is a dvd for it but there is no English subtitles. You could also
look on the French Amazon site which has various versions from the normal version to a boxset but still no English subtitles.



This item was edited on Friday, 11th January 2002, 21:48

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

Mark, I had a look at the one at play and it has the same boxset cover
as mine. I just think they ran out of room listing the episodes as the eighth one is on the second disc, theres 6 on each disc.

When I received them I watched them more or less back to back with each episode only lasting 20 minutes or so. Even while writing this I can still hear that infectious theme song!



This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 16:50

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

Nostalgic saddo to the rescue! Hey Mark I`ve seen both these discs, I even got the boxset, how sads that! Just like you I loved this when I was
a kid, ok now adays it looks well dated and the dubbings a bit dodgy but
what the hell, if you were a fan then its a great trip down memory lane.

Theres 12 episodes with the 12th being a rarely seen one, still in french with subtitles. Mono sound in a 4:3 format. Picture quality isn`t to bad but obviously don`t expect Gladiator!

If you want anymore info just ask.
