Page 1 of Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

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Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 6th January 2002, 22:46

Anyone seen either of the two discs available, wondered what the quality was like on them.
Must confess to being an avid fan in my nipperhood, but will it still do the business 25+ years later on.
Is nostalga just a good reason to waste some cash on tat then.
Thanks and all the best, Mark.

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

manza (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 7th January 2002, 09:47

Nostalgic saddo to the rescue! Hey Mark I`ve seen both these discs, I even got the boxset, how sads that! Just like you I loved this when I was
a kid, ok now adays it looks well dated and the dubbings a bit dodgy but
what the hell, if you were a fan then its a great trip down memory lane.

Theres 12 episodes with the 12th being a rarely seen one, still in french with subtitles. Mono sound in a 4:3 format. Picture quality isn`t to bad but obviously don`t expect Gladiator!

If you want anymore info just ask.


RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 18:12

Thanks manza, I see play have a two disc set for 17.99 but it only shows 8 episodes, is it a mistake at play or am I loosing it as over 35 now. Is there a different box set,or is that the right one??
Must confess looking forward to careering down the lane of fond memories, thanks for advice. all the best, Mark.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 18:13

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 12:25

Does anyone remember the dubed mick take from a saturday mornig kids show?

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 15:38

I can just about remember a thing like Flashing about robinson Crusoe, is that on disc.
Going seriously down the nostalga byways now, it may have been black and white, anyone remember it at all, my facilities are running at a low ebb, but i think I still remember a snatch of the theme tune.
best Mark.

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 16:07

oooooooh yes.......that tune which introuced us to the waves coming in onto the beach. Was a great programme and repeated every few months to keep us watching. There are loads of examples like that....anyone remember `White Horses`, or `Follyfoot` ? (and even a couple I seem to remember gave me nightmares - `Ace of Wands` and `Changes`). Mind you, nostalgia isn`t what it used to be. Now we`re seeing `complete` versions of The Clangers, Bagpuss, Mary, Mungo and Midge, it won`t be long before The Double Deckers makes an appearance!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 16:12

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

manza (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 16:48

Mark, I had a look at the one at play and it has the same boxset cover
as mine. I just think they ran out of room listing the episodes as the eighth one is on the second disc, theres 6 on each disc.

When I received them I watched them more or less back to back with each episode only lasting 20 minutes or so. Even while writing this I can still hear that infectious theme song!



This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 16:50

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, 20:55

Thanks for looking Manza I`ve ordered it on the pre-tense that its for the nippers ( very handy these kids for dangermouse, willow the wisp etc).
On the thing of various others in this line I can just about remember the theme tune Snowy white horses la la la la la etc. Seem to remember I had a crush on the girl in that, or was it the lass in Follyfoot.
Could start to go a bit ape on all of these, Flaxton Boys being another, can anyone remember anymore. What a trip. Best Mark.

RE: Anyone seen Flashing Blade dvd`s, help a nostalgic saddo out!!!

Rob Jenkins (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 00:42

Dont`t forget to add Belle and Sabastian to your badly dubbed, nostalga collection.

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