Info and forum posts by 'AndrewA'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 6th January 2002, 20:14, Last used: Sunday, 6th January 2002, 20:14

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: ALDI Computer @ £699

I bought one of the Medion1.6 Ghz Pentium 4`s a few months back at £699 plus another £99 for a 17inch monitor, they had sold out of the 15 inch flat panels at £229. It is a very well made and specified machine filled with quality components, the 2 Ghz updated version seems is a steal. If you are into movie/photo editing the front located firewire , USB , S Video and composite connections are a bonus, assuming they are fitted to this advertised model as well. The store only took debit cards and cash when I purchased mine !

RE: Hey It`s SATURDAY`No Bargains in the Paper` (Well One perhaps)

Thanks Paull, I have been looking for a cheap VCR for my 2 year old for his tweenies and postman pat videos, the little fella has tried putting DVD`s into my VCR along with toast and photos. Cant go wrong for £50.......thanks again


Well said Longshanks, there are too many cynical and condascending replies in the forums, not everyone is actually aware of the existance of forums like this one prior to purchase ! If you want a region free hack try using your search engine, I generally use google and key in DVD Hacks , you will find details of lots of companies that can help you. Good luck

RE: Philips Cool Green DVD958 for £179.98

I ordered mine on Friday night, had a phone call Saturday to confirm the orderand it was delivered on Tuesday morning.I am very happy with it and think its outstanding value.

RE: Philips Cool Green DVD958 for £179.98

Its a silver/green shade described by Philips as Crystal Green. Check out their website for more details and a picture

RE: Philips Cool Green DVD958 for £179.98

I guess not many people think this is a good buy ! However I saw a best buy review at for the similarsilver DVD957 and a couple of middle of the road reviews elsewhere, however thay where testing it with a price of £399. I cannot find this machine anywhere else for anything like £179.98, just look at I ordered mine on Friday night, had a phone call on Saturday morning to confirm my order with delivery due on Tuesday morning. Not bad service I thought !!

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 18:12

Philips Cool Green DVD958 for £179.98

I visited Powerhouse Online as per earlier thread and went into product selection, then DVd and then online specials, it showed a Philips DVD958 at £299.99, if you then click on view product it states internet price £179.96. I added to basket and went to checkout and this confirmed the price including p&p at £183.98. Empire are selling the same model for £320.27 plus p&p. Its the Cool Green model and may not be the latest DVD player but seems to have a fair selection of features and sockets and built in decoders..Ibelieve this machine is remote hackable as per the Philips 750

Thanks for your 10% off thread Nobby33, in this case it seems to be nearer 40% off !!

RE: 10% Off At Powerhouse Online

I looked at DVD Players and then online offers, showed a Philips Cool Green DVD958 for £299.99, when you go to checkout it says £179.99 including internet discount plus postage takes it to about £184. Not bad when empire and similar are charging £320 to £350 !!

Philips DVD Q50 @ £249

I am thinking about buying a Philips DVD Q50 and have seen it at £249, has anyone else bought one and successfully region hacked the unit. Also before I buy is there anything else around the £250 mark I should consider.

RE: Nothing but the sound of the wind.................

I saw an opened packet of windeeze going cheap in the bargain trolley at Sainsburys, that should sort out the sound of wind !!

Mission FS2-AV Speaker Sustem

I have seen the Mission FS2-AV 5 speaker system advertised at £369, I understand that normally this package normally costs £799. Has anyone used this system or the Kef 2005 set up. I would be interested to hear peoples views, I am looking for a discreet installation with faithful reproduction rather than just kick in the back bass!! Is there anything else that I should buy?

RE: Which £600 Widescreen To Compliment Toshiba SD-210E Multi Region ?

If you can stretch to £650 I bought a Panasonic TX28-PL10. Its 100hz and the picture is stunning. Its Nicam, not a problem as you are using a pro logic set up and makes a great monitor.Mine came with a Panasonic DVS-RV31 for an extra £120, its probably not as good as the Toshiba but is pretty good value for money in this set up I bought at UK Discount, I think are doing a good deal also on this set.

RE: How many of us took up £100 Kodak Offer!!

I bought two, one for me and one for my dad who will be thrilled.

RE: Best place to buy batterys (for my Kodak DX3700 camera :-)

I recently purchased a box of 100 Maxell Alkaline batteries instore at PC World for £17.99 if that helps.

Remote Control Extender

I keep m DVD, VCR & HiFi in a cabinet away from prying little fingers !! Does anyone know of a good device to allow me to control components with my remote controls that are shut away inside the cabiinet.

This item was edited on Monday, 28th January 2002, 19:08

RE: Kodak digital camera worth £300 for £100 PLUS loads of accessories

The Keynotes section on the site makes interesting reading regarding basic advertising rules relating to websites.

I have also received the auto mail and replied to Kodak with my thoughts

RE: Kodak digital camera worth £300 for £100 PLUS loads of accessories

It is a long time since I looked at Contract Law but I believe that the advertising of goods is an " invitation to treat " and when you offer to make payment and it has been accepted a contract has been made. I dont know if an email confirmation of an order actually constitutes legal acceptance but I think anyone who has the confirmation of order is likely to be in a fairly strong position, we will all find out soon !! I ordered two, one for me and one as an early birthday present for my father, he will be as pleased as punch if it arrives.