Info and forum posts by 'Ratt'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 26th December 2001, 20:34, Last used: Wednesday, 26th December 2001, 20:34

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 74 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Need to return a DVD player to Dixons but no boxes, need help please.

Alex what advice did Trading Standard give you when you spoke to them ??

Schneider 857(widescreen)

Hi all just purchest the above dvd player and I`m very pleased with it , appart from the widescreen part ,ive gone into set up and changed it to wide but when I put a widescreen film in I have to manually change it to 16:9 on the TV, when the TV is in auto mode it should detect it ,it did with my other dvd player a Grundig ,it`s not major just annoying any help would be great

RE: A couple of goodies @ Lidl

Do Lidls have a uk web site as I can`t seem to find it ?

This item was edited on Friday, 13th December 2002, 07:57

RE: Safeway - Cheap DVD player

Thanks Paul all makes sense now LOL

RE: Safeway - Cheap DVD player

Just got my Safeways leaflet and the dvd player is Apex AD-2100 £59.99 and only 2 channels ( Essex Area)

RE: GRUNDIG GDV 620HT is there any way i can play mpegs or video cds

just burned onto cdrw and it does work ,well chuffed :o) thanks geoff-h

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th November 2002, 18:45

RE: LG 32" Widescreen - or is it? Please Help...

Julian Telewest digital box has got 16:9 setting in on screen menu as I used to have it, but sorry to say I cant remember where it was exactly in the menu but it is there somewhere :o)

**Super MARIO Sunshine**

well Ive plyed it for a couple of days now and I am not at all disapointed. just wonderedwhat everyone else thought of this fantastic game :o)

RE: Monsters Inc - Region 2/4 not 4:3

thanks elmore but my daughter would like the black bars to dissapear ,and in letter box there`s not much picture left on the screen being a portable tv thanks for the idea though :o)

RE: Monsters Inc - Region 2/4 not 4:3

Yes dave but I can`t find the 4.3 (1.33.1) version on the disc ??

RE: Monsters Inc - Region 2/4 not 4:3

I`ve just bought reg 2, two disc collectors edition and inside I got a folds out leaflet guide to special fetures, and on this it clearly states
Disc 1 features and technical spec

"Choice of viewing presentation"

-Fullscreen vertion of film(1.33.1) specially reframed for standard tv

-Widesreen version of the film(1.85.1) enhanced for 16x9tv origanal theatrical ratio.
I can`t find 4.3 version anywhere ????

RE: super monkey ball 2

Not sure when UK release is but buy origina anyway M8 fantastic game :o)

RE: X box or PS2?

Gamecube M8 , if only to play Super Monkey Ball. What a fantastic game and with Mario Sunshine on the way, excellent graphics and good price Gamecube is the way to go ( in my opinion ) Happy Gaming :o)

RE: Pre-Owned Gamecube Games

Could you put a link on for General Classifieds at the DVD Forums please M8

RE: lardarse are you sure ......

Still Toys R Us best price I`ve found , steve thats well cheap ,TFT screens are £80/£90 onthere own ?

RE: Consoles and TVs?

I have my Gamecube through a widescreen tv in 16.9 mode and it dosent look any different really,go widescreen M8 :-)

RE: Gamecube Modification

I would have thought so, if it`s a PAL Gaamecube :-)

RE: Are two of the best Multiplayer N64 games coming to Gamecube....

North American realease date 6/5 Bomberman Generation ;o)

RE: Gamecube,ps2 or x-box?

Best price Gamecube Best graphics Gamecube Best games Nintendo have lots in the pipeline, time will tell if they all get released but if they do get released then the Gamecube will be way ahead of the rest , in my opinion anyway hope this helps u to decide :o)

RE: Console advice needed...!

Its got to be a Gamecube Gamecube Gamecube Gamecube Gamecube All the way M8 utterly fantastic console

RE: Afterburner lighting for the gameboy advance

Nice find M8 ,not a bad price really ,at least u can see the game, as screen is really dark

RE: Saving part way through gameboy advance games

Hi Perky77 u do not need a memory card u have a option in the game to save and you ave it to that game , can u imagine playing a game for an hour and not saving it and having to do it all again NO WAY

RE: Gamecube Modification

What does the cheat function do M8 apart from the obvious :o)

This item was edited on Sunday, 19th May 2002, 15:37

RE: Panasonic Q

Try here or here
not very cheap hope it helps ;-)