Info and forum posts by 'AlanBlue'
This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.
Joined on: Monday, 17th December 2001, 10:28, Last used: Monday, 17th December 2001, 10:28
Access Level: Harmless
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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.
Recent Messages Posted:
RE: Technika 300
Good work fella.
I read the box and it does not mention VCD, this seems to be the norm now, do you know if there is a way to accept VCD or SVCD?
RE: Anyone Know The Make Of DVDrom On ALDI Specials?
Thanks Dave
I`ll try this when I get home tonight.
Anyone Know The Make Of DVDrom On ALDI Specials?
I was one of the (very) lucky ones yesterday who got my hands on one the £699 ALDI PC`s.
I had not had the chance to open the box up yet, so I was wondering if anybody knows what make the DVD ROM drive is, and if a Region hack is available.
I`ve read all the documentation and been to Medion`s web site, but they do not mention the what the drive is (except it`s x16).
Thanks in advance.
RE: Philips / Sharp TVs any good?
I bought a Sharp 32" WS just after Christmas (not sure on the model now), this was returned less than a week later. I found the picture quality to be very poor. The picture did not seem to have any depth, especially when it was set in a dark scene.
The best way I can describe dark scenes is it reminded my of when PC games firtst started to include video cut scenes and the quality was knocked right down, you would find it hard to see different shades of black (somebodys black hair would dissapper into the black background).
But what really done it for me was noticing very nasty colour bleeding during a movie (the TV was boxed and taken back so fast after that).
When I had a look at the model on display in the shop I found it had the same problems.
In the end I decided to pay the extra for a 32" Sony, and boy is it worth it.
Hope this helps.
RE: Sharp 28HW53H - Any Good?
I bought the 32" model and quite frankley I was very dissapointed with the picture quality, even through the SCART the picture was grainy. The worst problem though was on dark scenes, when differect shades of black would not be picked out very well, which gave the picture a very artificial look.
When I tried to alter the brightness and contrast it seemed to only effect the front of the screen and had no effect on the depth of the picture (if you know what I mean).
I also detected some colour bleeding while I watching a movie as well (that was the last straw).
When I took it back the sales assistent could not see any problems with it and had to call for a second opinion, who did see my point and confirmed it was the same on the display model.
If you are like the assistant how does not see what I saw as a problem, it`s actually not to bad a tv. And yes, the SCART has s-video as well and the auto switching of WS worked fine with my Sky Digi box
One other thing I did not like was having to manually go through a menu system to select the input (ariel, rear scart or front video in), as oppesed to a one button keep pressing until it selects the one you want, and when you have selected SCART as your input you cannot use the channel numbers on the remote to change channel, you have to go into the menu again and select ariel.
So my advice is to go to the store and have a close look at the picture (especially find a program that has a lot of dark scenes) and see for yourself and have an assistent give you a demostration.
Hope this helps.
HELP: Jerkey Picture - Sharp DVD/Sony TV
I`m having a problem with my new Sharp DV-740H DVD player, hope some one can help.
It`s connected into my Sony 29" TV (sorry, cannot remember the model, though it is abpout 5 yrs old) via the scart using RGB.
I get a jerkey picture, even on the logo screen, every no-and-again. Before I send it back I seem to remeber reading about a problem involving Sony TV`s and connecting certain DVD`s via the SCART, but I cannot relocate the article, so I was hoping this may ring a bell with anybody here.
For information, te DVD is region hacked.
Thanks in advance.