Page 1 of HELP: Jerkey Picture - Sharp DVD/Sony TV

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HELP: Jerkey Picture - Sharp DVD/Sony TV

AlanBlue (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 10:39

I`m having a problem with my new Sharp DV-740H DVD player, hope some one can help.

It`s connected into my Sony 29" TV (sorry, cannot remember the model, though it is abpout 5 yrs old) via the scart using RGB.

I get a jerkey picture, even on the logo screen, every no-and-again. Before I send it back I seem to remeber reading about a problem involving Sony TV`s and connecting certain DVD`s via the SCART, but I cannot relocate the article, so I was hoping this may ring a bell with anybody here.

For information, te DVD is region hacked.

Thanks in advance.

RE: HELP: Jerkey Picture - Sharp DVD/Sony TV

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 13:12

Every so often my pioneer player has this problem, I think it is because the disc is not sitting right.
Is the dvd drive noisy?, If so your player may have a fault!!

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