Info and forum posts by 'Keith T Jones'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 12th December 2001, 12:28, Last used: Wednesday, 15th March 2006, 11:14

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Running Onkyo 595 AV amp with Kef Q speakers. Hitachi DVP 305 e dvd player and Nad c521 cd player. Hitachi 32" widescreen.

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Bush DVD 2041 (A) - multi-region hack

Hi. Did you get any luck with a hack for this?

RE: Recommendation for Sub. Help!

Been offline for a while!
Has anybody listened to the MJ Sub yet. My local hifi shop is trying to sell me a rel 200E, which although sounds fantastic, costs £700! Not sure if this is going overboard compared with the rest of my kit?


RE: Recommendation for Sub. Help!

Thanks for the reply, Where can I find info on the MJ?
Also does anybody know about wiring these up so that I can listen to stereo music, dvd and sky throught the sub?

Recommendation for Sub. Help!

My current setup is Onkyo 595 with kef Q55.2 fronts, Q95c.2 centre and Q85s rears. I have a Hitachi dvp 305 and a Nad c521 cd. Although I am extremely pleased with the setup and sound, I am looking to introduce a Sub for that extra kick. Can anybody recommend a good Sub for £2-300 which would match the above. Do they have to match? Can I listen to cd aswel as dvd and sky digital using the sub both in stereo and surround modes on the amp? Any advice would be greatly recieved!

multi region hack hitachi DVP 305e

Call me stupid but my query is about using the hack to change my dvd player to option 9 multi region. At present I use the hack to change between region 1 and 2 manually. If I used the hack code to convert it to region free, how can I get back to manually sellecting the regions again, as there is no code available to reveret back from region free? The reason I ask is I am nervous of not being able to play certain films. I have heard scare stories of people buying films and not being able to play them. Does anyone have any comments on this?

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th December 2001, 14:56