Page 1 of multi region hack hitachi DVP 305e

Hack Help Forum

multi region hack hitachi DVP 305e

Keith T Jones (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 13th December 2001, 14:56

Call me stupid but my query is about using the hack to change my dvd player to option 9 multi region. At present I use the hack to change between region 1 and 2 manually. If I used the hack code to convert it to region free, how can I get back to manually sellecting the regions again, as there is no code available to reveret back from region free? The reason I ask is I am nervous of not being able to play certain films. I have heard scare stories of people buying films and not being able to play them. Does anyone have any comments on this?

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th December 2001, 14:56

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