Info and forum posts by 'dee10'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 9th November 2001, 11:32, Last used: Tuesday, 29th March 2005, 12:31

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Music &Comedy mainly!

This user has posted a total of 27 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Customs Costs?

Hi, I just ordered a boxset from Playusa. It costs £19.99 but when I clicked to buy, a message came up stating that I had to agree to the possibility of extra customs charges. Can anyone tell me roughly how much this is? Thanks.

U.S PC Software

Hi, I`m off to Las Vegas next week and was wondering if it was worthwhile buying any
PC software. Will it run OK on my humble Irish PC? Thanks in advance.

DVD Sales

Can anyone recommend a site that gives sales of DVDs in the UK and the US.
For eg, I read in a magazine that Phoenix Nights had sold 800,000 copies
which I thought was pretty amazing and has made me curious about how my other favourite DVDs have sold. Thanks.

RE: Onscreen Shadow

No, the speakers are 3 feet away on either side.

Onscreen Shadow

Hi, I`ve noticed recently that occasionally there`s a shadow on the right hand side of my Beko 28" widescreen TV. It doesn`t seem to do any lasting damage but it is annoying sometimes when it happens during a film. I`m baffled! Can anyone help?

Laurel & Hardy

Hi, does anyone know if there are L&H DVDs available - or any info on special forthcoming discs. I`d love to see how they`d look after a good clean-up and and good sound mix. Thanks.

Region 1 Bending!!

Hi, the picture on my R1 anamorphic discs seem to bend at the top right of the screen. Obviously any R1 letterbox discs are OK but having watched The Fisher King and Blues Brothers, they both have the same problem. I`m off to Canada soon in the hope of stocking up whilst there so this is a real bummer. Anyone know why? Thanks

The Police in Brazil!!

I recently came across a release of The Police Greatest Hits on DVD.
Unfortunately, it`s only available from a Brazilian site (R4) and I was wondering if anyone has succumbed? If so, what`s the audio & video quality like and is there an R2 release date? Thanx.

From Hell Anomorphic

I admit to being a bit green about this but i thought anomorphic meant it should fill the whole screen but From Hell (and a few others i have that claim to be anomorphic) still have the black bars at either end - then films like So I Married an Axe Murderer and As Good As It Gets fill the screen and now I`m going to lie down as i feel dizzy! Can someone please explain?? Thanks.

Miller`s Crossing

Hi, does anyone know of this movie`s existance on DVD?

In Praise Of Play

I ordered R1 Oceans 11 and it arrived last wednesday (30th).
The release date given is this Wednesday (9th). Credit where credit`s due,Play are the mutts nuts.

The Fisher King

I bought this in L.A as it`s one of my all time favs. When I got home here to Ireland the box was empty. Does anyone know of a R2 release or where I could buy it cheap? Play are charging £17.99, having already spent $26 on it It could become the most expensive DVD I`ve ever bought.
Can anyone help please?

Dr Evil`s Too Secret Documentary

Can someone please help? Apparently, you can access this from the
secret menu on The Spy Who Shagged Me Disc. I can only access the 2 songs that Dr. Evil sings and some text about other movie baddies. I have R2 disc and 4 sites claim that it`s there to be accessed. I`m going mad i tell you, mad. Please Help!


Which one is best to buy? Thanks in advance.


Both boxes say the movies are in widescreen but my TV detects them as
4:3 and I have to manually switch to 16:9. Have I been sold a dud? My TV
has no problems with any other disc.

review Sites

Can anyone recommend any good dvd disc review sites that cover the technical side eg, transfer quality, sound, extras etc.
I use a lot but it doesn`t update enough. Thanks

Dolby 5.1 Setup

I have the Goodmans gdvd125. Can anyone recommend a cheap 5.1 setup to enhance it? thanks

Which 5.1 Advice Please

I`m unemployed and have the Goodmans gdvd125. I was hoping to get a
5.1 surround system for it but I know nothing on how to go about it! Can anyone recommend a system to suit my Player for around £100. I know
it`s not much but I`m on a VERY tight budget. Thanks.

RE: DIE HARD Special Ed.

Thanks, I`m going to order up! Yipee Kai A etc.....

DIE HARD Special Ed.

Having just watched it over Xmas, I looked it up on Play247 - £17.99
Is it worth it?


Hey "Gangsta", u kept this qiuet!


It`s VERY tempting!

RE: Shrek R2 lip synch

I have exactly the same problem. It`s just ever so slightly outta sync. tho the film is fine. What to do!


Thanks to this forum`s sound advice I bought some dvds while in California last week.
Got home to Belfast and they play perfectly on my Goodmans 125.
There just had to be a pay-off and herein lies the warning!!
One of the discs was "The Fisher King" - a movie I love, so I undid the security wrapping and opened the box to find it discless! If you find yourself in a similar position, check first, unlike poor me!

Region 1 Query Thanks

I just wanted to say thanks to those who answered my question about R1
picture quality. It was my first post and I really appreciate the advice.
Thanks again!

Is Region 1 Worthwhile?

Hi, I`m off to America in 2 weeks and was wondering about the picture quality on R1 DVDs. Would it be worth my while stocking up or is the
picture quality inferior due to less lines required for the US?
I have the Goodmans GDVD124. Thanks.