Info and forum posts by 'gran'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 21st September 2001, 10:56, Last used: Monday, 22nd March 2010, 21:45

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Just had the living s*** scared out of me!

Hi Chris

If you want to catch it alive put a milk bottle down with whatever you are going to bait it with at the bottom. lean the bottle at an angle but make sure the mouse can get in the neck then leave it. the mouse can get in and down but the glass is too slippy for it to get back up. hey presto one trapped moggie to do with what you want. I used to have the bottle nearly flat, maybe 35 degrees.

worked for me...


p.s. the hard bit is finding a milk bottle.

RE: Kenneth Bigley

In response to Marto`s question "is it all about oil ?" No unfortunately the long term aim of the Muslim terrorists is to rule the world, turn it into a caliphate, something similar to the way the Taliban ran Afghanistan before the allies/Northern Afghanis threw them out.
To say it is all about oil is over simplifying it way too much.

for what its worth I think dragging one of the women out of the jail & beheading her & saying "let him go or the other one gets it" is the only way to bargain with these people.


RE: Kenwood ICE question

I had a similar problem with my Toyota CD player & when I told the repair guy I had tried a cleaner was told they don`t advise using them in car stereos because the laser is closer to the disc.
eventually had to ditch the system & put my spare Blaupunkt in.


RE: Blank e-mails ???

OK but if it is spamming what is the point as there is nothing in the email ??? :/

Blank e-mails ???

During the past week I have started recieving blank e-mails,by blank I mean no information in To/From/Subject or in the body of the text therefore I can`t set up any filters to automatically dump these incoming e-mails. Anybody got any suggestions as to whether they are virus related or how to stop them ? I am running Norton which is up to date and a full scan shows nothing.
I am getting up to 10 a day & it is showing no signs of letting up, the whole file is only 1kb so it seems to be empty ?

Any help appreciated.


RE: The 10 things that irritate you most...

Not in any particular order except the first,definitely the first...

1 Drivers who think it is cool to dazzle other drivers by having their fog/driving lights all the time.(Ba***rds)
2 People who win millions on the lotto & then say "I`II carry on working & living in my nice terraced house" Why do the lotto in the first place ??
3 Sponging illegal immigrants
4 Viagra/penis enlargement e-mails.
5 Cigarrette smoke.
6 Other dog walkers not cleaning up after their hounds.
7 Bad beer.
8 Furry dice.
9 Royal family.
10 Work.

RE: Are there any pubs in Florida?

With regards to the swing in Kissimmee, I have remembered it is called, "Skycoaster",if you search google/ skycoaster you will find the manufacturer/distributor. the site carries a media gallery which will show you what to expect.
It is not part of the Old Town complex but it is the easiest way to find it because you just look for the chuffing great white uprights which are well lit at night so that planes or helicopters don`t do anything silly....

Went on it once...nuff said.


RE: Are there any pubs in Florida?

On international drive there is a shopping centre with a huge teddy bear outside (15ft huge) well upstairs there are 2 bars which were OK last year,
the Air Swing in Old Town Kissimmee is more like 300ft,it is the highest in the world (so they say) there is one at American Adventure, Ilkeston,Derbyshire near us & it is made by the same company.It is supposed to simulate a parachute jump at first then hang gliding for the remainder of the "flight", well worth a go but no beer,no food beforehand,you have been warned !!!!!! give it a go & make sure somebody has a video camera handy because only the brave or mad go again.


Going again in April but no Big Swing.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 16:36

RE: Those neon blue LED`s on crap cars - whats that all about???

Diversifying slightly from the original thread but I am intrigued to know if this is a regional thing or everywhere, once the nights start to close in around here (Nott`m) every divhead seems to think it is the done thing to drive round with their fog/spot lights on. On normal well lit roads you get plonkers driving right up your backside with their lights blaring so you can`t see because of the glare, if I get one behing me I bang the rear fogs on but to date not one has switched theirs off, if I see one coming in the opposite direction I always flash first then put the full beam on to let them know what they are doing to others but it seems they are totally oblivious to the fact that they are dazzling other drivers.
I have asked the local plod & they confirm that it illegal & carries a 3 point penalty & £30 fine but I have never heard of anybody getting pulled for it.
The worst thing is when they drive onto badly lit roads & because the fog lights are permanently on they dip their headlights but still dazzle you with the fogs. Assholes !!!

Your area or just Notts ?

Rant over


RE: Whats your favourite movie quote?

I like the Ray Winstone (Carlin) line in Scum when he faces up to the coloured guy in the boiler room =
Carlin " where`s your tool"
Coloured Guy " what tool ?"
Carlin "this f***ing tool, Ya black b*****d !!"
Not so much the content but the way Carlin delivers it.
(for the people who have not seen it the "tool" is a bar secreted up his sleeve)

RE: My Girlfriend is a Cheating Slut!

Can`t live with em,
Can`t live without em.
or has we say at work.
Can`t live with em,
can`t kill em.

Lifes too short, move on.
I speak from experience.

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

Yes. I did the manual upgrade after first contacting Sky,they sent an e-mail telling me how to do it.The freq switching is all on.
So, it looks like the box is at fault.Is there an alternative to Sky for getting it repaired? How much of a wedge is it going to set me back ?


RE: Gran`s digibox problem

Hi Aja.
Nice to hear from you again, if you look through this forum you will see I am still struggling. I have posted where I am now with the damn box.You will soon get up to speed.
It seems that mine is not the only box to go on the blink.
What is the freq for low band ?
post back on the other thread if you can.

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

Yeah,Right, like I should be so lucky.!!

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

The first channels I noticed that went South was "The Box" & "Adventure One",Both of these are are Eurobird. I posted a request for more channels on this Satellite and found I was not seeing Eurobird, only Astra.
If What I have been told is right the digibox is not sending a signal to tell my LNB to swap to lowband.This info is from the geezer who came to check my dish alignment for me.He also did a temporary swap of my LNB for one he had in his van which did not change anything so I assume all is well with the LNB.
Bowf, stop calling me Shirley.(surely,Sorry!!)

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

That`s what I want to hear !!! I mght give it a shot after all I can also go through with the cancellation & then withdraw if they don`t offer to fix it for free.
Can anybody verify the freq I am on ?

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

The LNB has worked fine since I got the system(when Sky first went digital?) but lost low band around xmas time,the LNB has been swapped already when I had the dish checked for alignment.I am beginning to think it has been a box problem all along but would have liked to have checked it is looking for the right freq just in case. I am toying with the idea of getting my missus to order a new system & cancelling this one,has anybody managed to do this ?.

Sky digibox Problem ?

Can anyone confirm the low band freq for me ? I have got 9.75.I am having problems recieving any of the low band channels,it is probably a fault with the Grundig box but I thought it might be worth checking that I am on the correct Frequency.
Thanx in advance.

RE: Aja.Help again please.

Hi Aja.
When I go into services and press 0-1-select all I get is a "Help" page,it is only recognising the 1, am I using different software?
Do I have to go into the installera menu? How ?
The machine was bought the first week that they broadcast in digital.

RE: Aja.Help again please.

Aja, I had a guy round this morning & he checked the dish,He says it is OK but the reciever is not switching to low band therefore not picking up the channels I am missing, he also swapped the LNB with one he had on the van,the channels were still missing. He told me it will be about £90 to get it fixed but to be honest if it is not going to deteriorate any further I will do without the missing channels. He is going to drop off a spare reciever for me to try & therefore definitely prove the box is faulty.
Thanks for your help.

RE: Aja.Help again please.

Hi Aja,I cannot recieve any of the channels you have listed but I can recieve Hallmark no problem.Does this bear out your original theory that it is an alignment problem ?
Thanks again.

Aja.Help again please.

You suggested that my digital Sky channel problem may be because the dish is not "seeing" the Eurobird satellite, can you please give me a few more channels to check if I can recieve them.(family pack). If I try to realign it myself should I use the signal tests on the digibox or switch to a missing channel & move the dish until I get it ?
Thanx in advance.

RE: Sky digibox Problem ?

I have just found "Adventure one" has the same problem,is this also on Eurobird ? Can you tell me other channels to try and therefore check it is an out alignment problem. This sounds easier to verify or disprove than a faulty digibox.
Thanx for your replies.

(Family pack only.)

Sky digibox Problem ?

I seem to have developed a problem picking up certain channels,The Box for one & Euronews for another.I have tried a reboot & used the new install in the "hidden" menus but to no avail.I have checked with Sky that I should be still recieving these channels & they assure me all is OK at their end.The signal strength is about 50% & quality about 75%.The dialogue box says "No satellite signal is being recieved" Does this suggest the minidisc has moved out of alignment?
Hope someone can enlighten me.
Grundig Model No 2.32.

RE: top five dvds for sound, pic quality, features!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading the above I think T2 R1 UE will have to go on my letter to Santa this year.

This item was edited on Monday, 5th November 2001, 20:25

RE: top five dvds for sound, pic quality, features!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading the above I think T2 R1 UE will have to go on my letter to Santa this year.

RE: Platoon, region 1 or 2 ?

Thanks, already found this URL on another thread and ordered R2 from Play, the site is very good and will use it in the future.

Platoon, region 1 or 2 ?

Hi Folks, Can anybody advise me which is the better version and briefly why.

RE: Phillips 622 Hack ?

Thanks for persevering with me,now to track down a one4all remote with DVD control !!

RE: Phillips 622 Hack ?

Super ! will the RC6 command from a one4all remote make the 622 a permanent multi region or only for a set number of times ? Thanx for your patience.Gran.