Info and forum posts by 'Mimms'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 14:33, Last used: Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 14:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 32 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What game best shows off what the PS2 can do?

In a few weeks a game called "State Of Emergency" will be realeased...I think that it`s really going to show what the PS2 can do!Massive levels, a hundred people riot in which anyway can be hit...loads of weapons (including body parts) and lots of cool looking characters to choose from. It`s a game to watch out for!!!!!!

Smackdown 3 storyline!!!

I can only get a story of around 3 or 4 matches before it goes back to the "new game" menu, then I have to go through Vince asking me to form a tag team again, I get 3 or 4 matches again...unlock some hidden features then start again. Am I doing something wrong or is this how it`s suppose to be?it gets boring starting over each time!

whats the film called?

Does anyone remember a film where a guy ran a TV station? The actor had a bad perm and glasses and I think one of the shows on their station was called Conan the librarian! I think it was made in the mid 80`s.

Real answer to "i admire your bravery"

A local paper has told the answer and the 969th caller to say it will win the cash! the answer is ***HAND OF DEATH*** made way back in 1975 starring Jackie Chan and it was directed by John Woo. So the clue about it being a top Hollywood action director was true!!

RE: we are still getting scrood with evolution?

Are you sure because looking at play 247 it seems the R2 disc has a fair few bits. I have it on order but I`d rather wait for the R1 disc if it has more.

RE: Help!!!!

It can`t be Carrie Fisher as the line is said by a man. Schlinder`s list has been said but not Armageddon. Guess I`ll have to sit through it and see.

RE: Help!!!!

Just found out that Saving Private Ryan has been said before.

RE: Help!!!!

I don`t think Saving Private Ryan has been said, I`ll have to watch it and see if the quotes there and if it is to see if the voice matches.

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th November 2001, 21:17


A local radio station has been running a competition for months now and it still hasn`t been won. Does anyone know which film the quote " I admire your bravery " comes from? the clue is it`s directed by a famous action film director. The cash has gone up to £1250 and sooooo many people have guessed wrong. Help.

RE: Cheap PS2 games online???

Thanks, I`ll check them out.

Cheap PS2 games online???

Does anyone know where I can find the cheapest PS2 games? Play 247 have some new releases for £29.99 which is a lot better than in the shops I`ve been to recently. Is there anywhere cheaper?

Problems with the Philips 710

2 months ago I made it multi regional with a One 4 All remote. Lately it won`t read disc, mainly Friends series 2 and 3. I have to unplug it then leave it for a bit. Sometimes doing that works and other times it doesn`t. Anyone know what`s going on or is it time to buy a new player?

Gummi Bears

Does anyone know if Disney plan to release the Gummi Bears? I think it`s one of the best cartoons ever made and would love to own them on DVD.

RE: HELP !!!!!!!!!!! PHILIPS 701 DVD HACK

Wrong forum, but you need the One 4 All remote. Otherwise all you can do is switch region back and fourth. Most Philips only allow 25 times though. You`re best off looking in the Region Hack forum.

Reviewer`s Friend`s DVD competition

It states that it closes midnight October 1st, well here we are on the 7th and still nothing or did I miss an extension on the competition?

RE: Killer Klowns

I don`t think it`s available to rent anywhere. I bought mine from a friends DVD club. It is available on Play 247 for £10.99 though.


Has anyone used DVDMod? I`m trying to find others apart from play and this one sounds good. Are they reliable?

RE: Scream 3

(This is based on the Triology disc, incase you have Scream 3 as a single disc) Go to the main menu, then to Bonus Material, at the bottom it says main menu and next to that is a symbol. Hightlight the symbol and click your ok button and you get Sound track trailer, Creed music vid Cast and Crew bio`s and Audio commentary.


Remember Moonlighting with Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd? I just checked out play 24/7 and they have a disc with 3 episodes on it but each from a different season. Does anyone have info on whether there will be a release of each season in the near future?


According to it will be available January 2002 but that`s estimated, it could be earlier.

This item was edited on Friday, 14th September 2001, 23:45

RE: Massive terrorist attacks in America

It is a very sad day, but you have to think it might not be over. Who knows how many of these people are waiting for their time to strike. Lets just hope that never happens and people responsible will be caught.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th September 2001, 21:27

RE: Play 24/7

I got my `Clerks` this morning but it still says processing, so they must have some problem with the site. The service is still the best I know though so despite being a bit slow lately I`ll carry on using them.

RE: Cities Of Gold

Cheers Captain!!

RE: Cities Of Gold

I know for sure I haven`t seen all the episodes(39) I wonder if anyone knows if they ever find everything they were looking for??

What Next?

Can anyone recommend a really good DVD to buy? Something very watchable with tons of extras.

Killer Klowns

Has anyone else purchased Killer Klowns From Outer Space recently? I first saw it in 1989 and was dying to see it again, It`s really not as stupid as I remember it. What are your views on it?

RE: Whats the last DVD everyone bought?

Killer Klowns From Outer Space. Top film!!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 22:01

Play 24/7

Is it me or has Play 24/7 become a little slow lately? Before when I`ve ordered in stock DVD`s they been posted the same day, I ordered a "in stock" Clerks SE on the 30th of August and it still says it`s processing. Whats going on?? Also has it been updated recently? Hannibal is still the Pick Of The Week and the competition page remains closed.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 19:41

RE: Cities Of Gold

At the moment i`ll keep searching for the DVD,I`d rather have the quality of DVD than VCD. It would be handy to have the price he paid though incase I give up my search!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 18:49

RE: Cities Of Gold

Everyone I talk to remembers loving it, no one knows where to find it quest goes on.