Page 1 of For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

Trading Forum

For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

andy woodacre (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th July 2006, 09:53

i have a combo tv box vga series for sale.
which allows you to plug in and play your xbox or ps2 on your monitor
i`ve used it half a dosen times but not enough to warent keeping it

£20 which is a bargain as these cost a fortune

RE: For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th July 2006, 08:07

pm me please

RE: For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

BassmanUK (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 11th July 2006, 14:37

replied to your pm

RE: For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

indian_belters (Competent) posted this on Monday, 24th July 2006, 12:54

hello there if you still have it i am definately interested

RE: For Sale: Play your ps2/xbox on your pc monitor device for sale

bascule thi rascule (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 1st August 2006, 18:45

Is this still for sale? Or is it gone? let me know I`m interested.

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