Page 1 of Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

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Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th January 2003, 10:24

Kit includes:

LPC programmer - connects to parallel port, and takes power from usb port
9 blank SST chips
9 PLCC sockets
Roll of Kynar wire

Cash offers, or trades.

RE: Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Jimb0b (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 02:51

Hi id be interested in this, however can you tell me if its very complicated?

Or if someone with a fair bit of tech knowledge could master it.

Also is this likely to be as good as the Executer 2 chip, i.e can you perform all the functions?

RE: Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 09:00

Its not complicated. Plugs into your parallel port, and takes its pwer from the usb port. There is Dos based, and windows based software available. Basically the chips are blank, and you program them with whatever bios you have available. Hence if you use the executer 2 bios, then it will behave the same as an executer 2

RE: Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Chris MH (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 12:43

I`m after the ability of backing up XBOX games on to the HDD (play without cds). Do you have a chip (pre-programmed) to do this, and do you provide the necessary instructions of how to do it?

RE: Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Jimb0b (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 14:17

lol, most games come in at around 4-5gb. And with 8gb too play around with that would be useless.

And no afaik it cant be done.

RE: Program your own xbox chips - DIY kit for sale or trade

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 22:53

The kit has been sold, but i should mention that you can fit a larger hd in your xbox - 120 gig for example. btw the newer version xboxes have a 20 gig hd not a 8 gig. Just check out xbox scene, there is a lot of development with the xbox going on, one project for example, is to use the xbox as a multi media centre like a TIVO.

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