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Television Forum

BB`s Nikki

strangest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 06:52

i was so angre with Nikki lastnight. The way she was speaking to Carol was so disrespectful. Im sure she wouldnt speak to her mother like that! She is the most moody, snappy, uptight bi**h in there. i was so upset as Carol was sobbing and no woman should have to put up with disrespect from someone half there age telling them to go f**k themselves. Nikki needs to get the boot from the house...preferibly from carol

RE: BB`s Nikki

jrinns (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 13:20

The next person they need to let in the house is a suicide bomber and do us all a favour.

RE: BB`s Nikki

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2007, 15:13

Nicky and Charley are the two most obnoxious females you could ever have the misfortune of meeting, in my opinion.

Which is exactly why they SHOULD be in the BB House!

Wouldn`t be much to watch or talk about if they were all sweetness and light in there, now would it?

The same way of thinking worked in the recent series of Castaway. The guy who upset everyone the most and offended everyone he spoke to ended up winning the series. He was a total prick but in the end, he was the one who got the most votes to keep him there. His namer was Jonathon and he came from Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides, FYI.

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