Page 1 of German site with English text?

Retailer Reviews Forum

German site with English text?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 15:14

Is there such as a thing as a German DVD site in English as iv`e been on 1 or 2 sites in German and havent got a clue what i`m doing. The only German i can speak is Funf - Eins Fubf - Eins.


RE: German site with English text?

Dazza001 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 20:16 are pretty good - the layout is pretty much the same as the English-language sites in the UK & US, so navigating the site is easy. There`s also a "help for English-speaking customers" link on the help page, which is quite useful. have always been really good as far as I`m concerned; no problems at all. I think they even have a customer helpline with English-speaking operators - not that I`ve had to use it.
Other than that, if you want to go to sites that are in German only then open another window in your browser and load into it - that way you can copy & paste any text you like and have it translated as you make your way through the site.


RE: German site with English text?

Pyranha (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 31st May 2002, 16:10

Or you can use google, click on language tools at the top and paste in the url in the box and then any page you click is translated into english. Link is below


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