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Retailer Reviews Forum - Your opinions

Barnum42 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th February 2002, 20:34

I have previously posted with regard to a Cyberhome player purchased from this dealer. But that post dealt with Cyberhome not DVD

Once this company sold me the Cyberhome player they provided no support - telling me to phone Cyberhome to arrange replacement of the player. I am told they only do this with Cyberhome machines.

Cyberhome on three occasions said they would send a new machine to replace my faulty one. On three occasions they sent me reconditioned players. One of which had something rattling around inside. After the second time they did this I emailed DVD Players asking for some help. They failed to reply.

After the third time of receiving a reconditioned replacement I again emailed DVD Players who again did not reply.(later saying that the email was not received) I attempted to find their phone number, but it is nowhere on the site or the delivery note. BT Online Directory Enquiries also turned up a blank.(Later told this is because they are moving site).

It was not until I threatened DVD Players with intervention by Trading Standards that they eventually replied. I was offered either a refund or a Toshiba SD210E for £184.99 (£65 more than the Cyberhome). I chose the refund. Which a bit of a shame as the chap who runs it seemed a decent sort when I eventually got to speak to him

The Cyberhome was picked up 28th January. On February 5th, 6th and 7th I emailed DVD Players requesting an update on the refund. No answers were received to these emails. Today (8th Feb) I sent about twenty copies of one email asking for an update. This got their attention and I was told "A refund has today been reluctantly issued". Reluctantly because it was operational and had no marks.

To this I replied - "my beef with the player is that Cyberhome replaced a new machine with a reconditioned one".... "Now that the refund has been issued I shall trouble you no more, and spread the word for others to do likewise."

I got this reply from DVD Players - "Should we be made aware of your efforts to slander our business I will contact our solicitors. Please do test me if you feel that I am bluffing. Your attitude, approach, impatience and rudeness at times would be most testing of any supplier."

I have shown plenty of patience - three replacement machines and many ignored emails. It was only when I became "rude" that they bothered to reply.

I have since replied to to his accusation of impatience and rudeness - pointing out the diary of events and his company`s actions so he would see and could acknowlege where they went wrong so as to prevent it happening again in the future. His reply was to say "You have TOO much time on your hands". That was the entire message. Now who is being rude?

One good thing - they have now dropped the Cyberhome from their site, pending a meeting with Cyberhome next week.

So - the forum is open. What experiences have the rest of you folks had from this company?

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th February 2002, 09:55

RE: - Your opinions

AndyPandy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th February 2002, 12:00

comments threatening legal action from shops to their customers are NOT the right way to do business. It should be seen only as a last/desperate resort, with proof and documentaation to help them.

It makes me wonder how some companies do business ? Don`t they know without customers they won`t be in business ? A sucessfull business is one that treats customers , even ones that complain, well with listenning to what they have to say and trying to come to some sort of compromise beneficial to both parties!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barnum42, when I hear stories of what you had to put up with it and others in similar positions it just really angers me.

We , as customers, have the ultimate power over these companies. Quite simply `dvdplayers` and `cyberhome` - you won`t be seeing or hearing from me either ! and I`m sure many others who you tell this story too will avoid them. Have they done themselves a favour ????

RE: - Your opinions

AndyPandy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th February 2002, 12:05

Forgot to add, that I too will be reminding other future/possible customers of their conduct - even more customers lost !!!!

I hope they get the message - LOAD AND CLEAR !!!!!!!!

They obviously DO NOT have any time for their customers, in response to the the emal they sent you....that you had too much free time on your hands !

RE: - Your opinions

Barnum42 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th February 2002, 14:31

I think I have made some difference and been alone in having issues with Cyberhome from this retailer - here is the final email I received from DVD

"We have replaced several customers failed Cyberhome DVD Players this week with H&B DVD players at OUR cost....and why???? Because they too were at the mercy of Cyberhome UK and we do not like to fail customers!

Your comments and feedback regarding Cyberhome we helpful although since Christmas we had begun to understand the situation.

We have no policy of ignoring emails. Our move to new premises means that we have staff in two locations which has not helped although within 4 weeks this will be finished and we will be back to greater than full strength.

Please do not respond to this email as I have neither the time or desire to sit here and justify the actions of my company to someone who appears hell bent on wasting many a dark hour complaining even after being refunded."

I may not have received good treatment from them, but maybe, just maybe they are bolting the barn door before more horses escape!

RE: - Your opinions

AndyPandy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 11:34

Reading the email they sent you. My comments still stand. I still can`t believe their remarks !!!!

Full strength or NOT that is certainly not the way they should carry out business. Unless they want to lose it all by the time they move to new premises !!!!

RE: - Your opinions

Gillsfan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th February 2002, 12:32

Having read all the comments on this thread, I think it brought to light a few problems.

Overall, when i complain to any company ( Not often though ) by Email, i almost never get a reply. If i do, it usually takes at least a month.

I think that you were being treated terribly by I cant believe that any company would completely disregaurd all customer service rules like they have.

I too will encourage people not to use this site, and its put me off of buying the ADL-528 i`d planned.

RE: - Your opinions

dash (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 21:54

Interesting saga of events! Was the Cyberhome that much cheaper online than from W.H.Smiths? Personally, unless there was £50 or so difference I would prefer to buy from a retailer I can discuss possible problems with face to face.

I bought a Cyberhome from W.H. Smiths 18 months ago and had absolutely no problems with it. However, before I bought it I discussed the machine with the manager (he stated he had one at home and had no problems with it) I was fully confident that he knew what he was talking about and that if I had a problem then the machine would have been replaced. In fact I have seen the manager subsequently and he asked if I was happy with the machine etc. Surely it is the responsibility of the retailer to issue a replacement and not Cyberhome themselves.

RE: - Your opinions

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 21:58

You are right - the onus to replace the player, or arrange repairs, falls to the retailer not the manufacturer.

Amazing how many High St shops get this wrong still, even today.

RE: - Your opinions

Barnum42 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 3rd March 2002, 11:00


The Cyberhome was more expensive online than at WH Smith! From looking at reports it seem that the ADL 528 is crap, but the version before it - that you have - was far more reliable.

RE: - Your opinions

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th March 2002, 16:27

The ADL 512 is an outstanding player! The Region and Macro hack can be a pain if you havent got a CD Burner! But then does it matter anyway?

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