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My experiences with

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Friday, 18th April 2008, 18:38


Recently I bought a TV from this company, being poor but with high tastes I got a cheapy brand named Teco 37" 1080i tv for just over £400. I thought this was a good deal. Within 4 days the TV died, not to bad I thought, that can happen even with well known brands. This is where the hell started LOL!

The returns policy seemed convuluted, I called customer services, they told me to go online and fill in a form. Before I fill in the form it tells me I have to call the manufacturer to get an RMA number. Strange I thought but ok, so I call Teco and they have no record of my serial number. So I call directtvs customer service again. They explain that that`s a mistake and I don`t need to do that, it shouldn`t be on the website.... OK so I finally fill in the form.... I wait... I wait... I call customer services, oh yea we sent an email to your email address to see when we could pick it up. Not wanting at this point to get in an arguement that I checked my email daily including the junk I just asked if we could arrange it over the phone. So they pick it up anytime between 9 and 6 the next day a bit late notice to throw a sicky but ok. So then I wait 5 days until the replacement comes, again with a delivery schedule of anytime between 9 and 6.

Now this is when the fun starts, I get the new TV out the box and set it up, as I`m plugging in the aerial cable I notice a red arrow shaped sticker on the top near the side, pointing to a dent. Now I can`t help but laugh, if they were going to try and slip that one by me why put a big sticker on it?!

So I phoned them up again, and they wanted a photograph of the damage, fair enough I thought, sent them the photographs and an ultimatum, they can pay me £50 to keep the unit or come and drop off another unit whilst they pickup this one and deliver at our convenience this time. HAHAHA! As if, they stick to their guns these ones, no amount of errors on their behalf or anger on yours will get them to change company policy. No they have to pickup the faulty unit (anytime between 9-6), test it (what for? did they think I forged the photos?), then send out the replacement (anytime between 9-6).

So here I am watching my old 14" TV waiting for a replacement to come thinking of what excuse I can think of next time I throw a sicky!

So be warned, you may get a great deal from these guys or you might get a riveting tale to relate to others on the internet.

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