Page 1 of Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Retailer Reviews Forum

Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2007, 17:02

I had an Everyday 50 contract on orange for about 6 years and had no problem with it whatsoever. However I decided to get a mobile phone for the missus also so cancelled this contract last month and went to a Dolphin 35 contract. As I renewed my Everyday 50 contract at the end of February I had to pay a charge of £125.67 which I did pay. I was under the impression that my old phone was cancelled and that was that.

Anyway , I have just received a bill for this old phone!? It states on my statement that the `Balance brought forward from last statement` is £42.75...which I paid by cheque and was cashed in on 16th May. Under that it states `Payment Received - thanks very much` which adds up to £168.42. I worked out that £42.75 plus £125.67 adds to this amount. Under that it states that `Total charges for this statement` is £150.55!?! I looked at the breakdown of charges on the other form and it states that I`ve been charged £123.87 + VAT + £5 insurance from 3rd June - 2nd July!?!....I cancelled last Month remember!!..which amounts to this charge of £150.55. It also states to `See itemisation for details` which I have done and it shows that in the whole of May I accrued a total of 75p in call charges!??! As soon as I received my new phone on 1st May I stopped using my old one. Where does this sum of £150.55 come from??????????? :/

I have emailed Orange with my query as I hate ringing them on 150 as they feed me complete technical bumpth and assume I know everything there is to mobile contracts and leave me non the wiser!!

What should I do? Ignore it and don`t pay as I have to send them a cheque and don`t have direct debit????

"Sincerity?.....I can fake that!" - Hawkeye Pearce from M*A*S*H

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th June 2007, 18:07

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Dubster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 12:40

What should I do? Ignore it and don`t pay

I wouldnt.

I needed a copy of my terms n conditions, as they hadnt given me a copy when I signed up, and they were trying to hold me to something which I swore wasnt in the terms n conditions. I kept telling them to send me a copy or I wouldnt pay, they kept saying they would send it but didnt, so I didnt pay. It got to the point where the bailiffs were to come knocking on my door.

In the end I just paid up, very angrily.

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Fowler9 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 13:01

i`d ring them if I were you, e-mail could take days to get a reply if at all

If you dont feel you are getting good enough answers on the phone then ask to speak to someone else or simply call back after hanging up and explain to the next operator that you werent getting any sense from the last chap/lady


A.C.C. Member

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 13:32

As I renewed my Everyday 50 contract at the end of February I had to pay a charge of £125.67 which I did pay.

What the f*** was that charge for?

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 13:41

That is the money they would have had from him if he had kept the phone till the end of the contract. If you cancel the contract they will want what you have agreed to pay them over the year.

Dr 42%er

Care in the football community is proved not to work.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 13:45

OIC now.

Wow, you must be pretty desperate to get a new phone!

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 15:34

Wow, you must be pretty desperate to get a new phone!

Kind of! When I renewed my contract in February I opted for some Nokia phone which has to be the worst phone I have ever set hands on!! It was full of bugs and all sorts so gave it to my cousin. If he can get it up and running then good for him.

To cut a long story short the missus and I went to Phones4U and opted for a phone each but in my name. Part of the deal was that they give me £150 to compensate for the cancellation charge which they did there and then. All I had to do was ring up Orange on 150 and state to them that I want to cancel my contract as I`ve opted for a new one. They agreed and stated that I would have to pay a charge of £125.67 which I did over the phone using my Visa card. I assumed that was that and any bill that comes in a few days after that then that must be the last one. The following week I received a bill for £42.75 which I paid for via cheque and that came out on the 16th May.

Looking at my phone bill again though it states clearly that `Balance brought forward from last statement....£42.75`. I`ve paid this!! The cheque was cashed!! If after all of this I am supposed to owe them £24.88 then if they haven`t accounted for this £42.75 being paid in then by my calculations they owe ME £17.87.....!!

"Sincerity?.....I can fake that!" - Hawkeye Pearce from M*A*S*H

RE: Cancelling Orange Contract Woes.....

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th June 2007, 16:35

Right then.....this is playing on my mind now so just rang them up. I explained that I cancelled my old contract last month and demanded to know why I`ve been sent another bill. The lady took all my details and came to the conclusion that a PAC code was sent to me and I had to somehow use that to cancel. This was not explained to me as I just assumed that it would be automatically cancelled. And anyway , I live in a flat at the moment until the wife & I sell up and move to a house so if anything was sent it would either be....
1.Thrown away by the old bint in Flat 1 as she throws away anything that looks like junk mail...regardless of who its addressed to!?!
2. Not be touched by the woman in Flat 2 as she`s away and has been for months. I wonder if she`s dead??
3.Left by the door by the fella in Flat 3 as he only picks up his own mail and doesn`t put it on the communal table!?
4.Untouched by the gimp in Flat 5 as he leaves all the mail by the door....including his own.....cue many a countless red letter for the prat! old contract was still up and running! The £24.88 was the remainder of what I owed after paying the cancellation fee (?) plus other bits and pieces. She then said I had two options. The first option was to cancel my phone there and then or to give it....this is when I just said to cancel it NOW!! I asked the woman if this contract was now cancelled as I paid the £24.88 to her over the phone and she said yes. A letter of confirmation will be sent to me within the next few days so I hope I get to the post first!!

What a `mare......!

"Sincerity?.....I can fake that!" - Hawkeye Pearce from M*A*S*H

This item was edited on Friday, 8th June 2007, 17:38

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