Page 1 of Play.............Total Cr*p

Retailer Reviews Forum

Play.............Total Cr*p

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 18:34

They are a very cr*p retailer with a poor poor service. I ordered Evolution and family guy on tuesday evening. They were both in stock and ships in 24 hours(my a*se). It kept on saying order taken. I emailed and i emailed and i rang and i rang. No response from email and you`ve guessed it, phone is always engaged. Then thursday evening, i cancelled them. Then i did the most stupidest thing ever by giving them another chance. I ordered them again. I rang and rang non stop for about 20 mins when i got thru. It took them another 10 mins to pick the fone up. Then they gave me a lame excuse that the order wasnt processing cos i gave them details of a new card and that i had to verify that. They had made no attempt whatsoever to try to contact me so that i could verify them. Then i did this on the fone and was told that they would ship first thing friday morning. (another lie) Friday evening i rang again(how long does it take to put a disc in an envelope and post it?) They said they had to print labels(another lie possibly) and that it would ship on saturday(another lie) Their office has closed for the day so i cant fone them. No point in emailing cos they ignore it. This is definetly the last time i use these bunch of idiots. Movietyme customer service may be non exisitent but atleast they ship the goods. If i had ordered from on tuesday evening, i guarantee that i would have had the discs in my hand on thursday. And i would have saved 50p God knows when i will get them from play. I am now officially cancelling play from my dvd list. I dont care if they give out free dvds, i am not using them again. From now on its Futureent for R1 and Under18 for R2 to replace play

RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 19:39

feel better after that mate?....just had an email from Play saying that something which was due to be released on the 26th ( next Tuesday) has been posted to me today. I suppose we all have bad experiences with all retailers. I`ve had appalling service from Futureent, but there you go. Anyway, let it all out - after the result today you deserve it.

This item was edited on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 19:40

RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

duanelightley (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th November 2001, 22:53

Dicannio do you do anything but complain I have never sen you say anything good about any store. Me i have ordered loads from play and had no issues at all (including putting the wrong credit card downand phoning them to correct my error)


RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th November 2001, 00:29

Hey have u checked out my comments about dvdcrave, futureent, absound, ezydvd, or any other good retailers? You really havent been reading have you. Yeah i have slagged of dvdimport before and am slagging play now but as you may have noticed, i am not the only one. There are many threads running about the poor service @play and @dvdimport. I am just stating what has happened to me and how i feel about it
I give retailers credit when it is deserved. Ask anyone, i am the number one supporter of dvdcrave and absound. Get your facts straight before you post next time you ignorant person.
PS this is not the first time i have had probs with play, I also had trouble with my simpsons boxset.

This item was edited on Sunday, 25th November 2001, 00:30

RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th November 2001, 01:15

They must just not like you... I`ve ordered plenty from Play and I`ve never had a problem, I`m perfectly happy with them.

RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

ShaunJUK (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th November 2001, 09:51

I have never had a direct problem with play.

I find most of the problems people find with play are usually down to Royal Mail messing up, Royal Mail have lost 3 packages I have sent this month, I do a lot of trading on eBay an thankfully most of the buyers are understanding.

My worst experience was when I was new to Royal Mail and didnt understand all the services (Recorded, Special etc etc).
I sold my region 1 boxset of Monty Python for £120 on eBay, I went to post it and they told me to send it recorded, they lost it and I got a compensation cheque for £27.

I would say that no matter what company you use, most of the complaints you have are with Royal Mail.

RE: Play.............Total Cr*p

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th November 2001, 13:39

I really wasnt in a good mood yesterday and may have made some rash statements. I apologise but what i have said is true and i am not liking play alot at the mo. They are good when they are good. They arent performing well at the moment though and i stand by that. Many others also seem to be having similar problems. When i first used play( seems a long time ago back in march time) i recieved my T2:UE disc within 32 hours of posting. Was well impressed. It is clear their standards have gone down. Recent Discs such as The Simpsons(of which i was one of the first to pre order) took them over 2 weeks to "process" while others who ordered after me, got theirs instantly. Also Dusk Till Dawn also took 2-3 days to "process" even though it was in stock and ships in "24" hours. I guess i am being too picky but they are the ones who say it ships in 24 hours. They shouldnt lie like that. I mean does it take that long to put a dvd in an envelope and pop it in the post?

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