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Retailer Reviews Forum anybody used them?

mungosdad (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 09:18

has anybody used they rent as many dvd`s as you want for £15.
is the £15 a subscription?, do you have to pay every month or only when you use them? and how do they work out the postage?

any comments about this company will be helpfull

thanks mungosdad

RE: anybody used them?

umern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 10:34

Been with them a few months.
You have to pay £15 every month - minimum 3 months membership.
Sold the free DVD they give to recover most of the 1st month`s membership.

Postage is free both ways - they ship first class to you and give you a freepost envelope to ship back.
Had some problems with the Freepost taking 2-3 days sometimes with the s***ty postal service around here. Convinced in-movies to send me a SAE instead of the freepost envelope. This sorted things so that 9/10 times I receive the DVD the day after they post it to me and they receive the DVD day after I post to them - result a pretty good turn around time.

Dont seem to respond to email queries but phone calls have so far been answered within a minute and they have always been geuinely helpful.
Overall quite happy with the service.

If you join please consider qouting me as referrer - I might get a free DVD out of it!

PS if you are still having probs with your CH 512 - see my reply to one of your replies in the hardware forum. I had a similar prob with my first 512 - got it replaced and the 2nd one has been fine for months now.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 10:45

RE: anybody used them?

mungosdad (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 13:34

unmem - my 512 seems to be ok now, not had any problems for ages.


RE: anybody used them?

Mac1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 13:45

Do in-movies manage to supply you with all the movies you want- eg do you find you`re on a waiting list for the most popular new releases and end up with titles further down your list?
I must admit I`m tempted by this- £15 a month seems pretty good.
Can`t find any mention of a free DVD on the site for new subscribers though!?

RE: anybody used them?

umern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st August 2001, 16:52

Re top of list or further down: seems to vary - often I get ones nearest the top of my list - sometimes lower down the list. I dont mind `cos I have a missed a lot of films over the last year - and most of the stuff on my list will be first time viewings. I see it as a bit of a lucky dip - not quite knowing what I will be watching next.

With regards the free dvd click the `*Free DVDs*` category - at the top of the Genre list. I cant remember where in the oder process it requested my choice of free DVD. But you are right it does not tell you how to get a free DVD - except for free referral DVD. I definitely got one when I joined - maybe they have stopped doing it - perhaps you should phone and ask them.

RE: anybody used them?

squidgy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 25th August 2001, 19:32

I`ve been a customer for just over a month, not bad so far, but the post seems to have slowed down a lot lately. However, they say that they`ve dumped freepost completely, and are now sending sae`s for returns to all their customers. I`ve yet to see an improvement in the times, though, however, apart from that, I`m happy, so I`m thinking of upgrading to more than three films at a time.

RE: anybody used them?

squidgy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th August 2001, 20:26

Post speeding up again. Two working days for last replacement. That`s good ... let`s see if they can keep it up.

RE: anybody used them?

squidgy (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 22:09

Yep, they`re keeping it up.

RE: anybody used them?

umern (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 16:10

On many occasions I have posted two discs back at the same time only to find that only one shows up on the website the next day.

Similarly every other disk they post me seems to take two days rather than one day to get to me.

And the Discs are only travelling 8 or 9 miles as the crow flies.

You then find yourself rushing the disc cos you know it might take 4 days to get the replacement.

Wish the PO would sort their act out and treat all First Class envelopes the same.

RE: anybody used them?

Smokey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 25th September 2001, 17:23

I live in Plymouth - so far this month I`ve watched 12 movies (sad, I know!) not bad for 15 quid and 6 days still left.

These included:Proof of Life, Traffic, What Lies Beneath and 15 Minutes.

If I thought they could keep this up (and get new movies regularly) I`d go for a year`s subscription - £130.


Edit= Oops! only 30 days in September.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th September 2001, 17:24

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