Page 1 of Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

Retailer Reviews Forum

Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 13:12

Does anyone know the price of the multiregion Sony DAVS300 in a Richer Sounds shop? I rang the watford store and they said it was £595, far higher than anywhere i have seen it (incl. their own website), so i was wondering if its the same where you live.

RE: Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

Hobbs (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 00:43

I just got a catalogue from my local store (Nottingham) at 2 or 3 weeks ago.

No, the multiregion one is price at £499.95. No way, they would put the price up.

Perhaps, U can phone them to confirm.

Hope this helps.


RE: Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

lewjosh (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 10:14

I picked up a mag a couple of days ago, and here`s where the confusion lies. It states the Sony DAVS300 is £499.95, BUT the MULTI-REGION one IS £549.95. Hope this clears up the confusion.


RE: Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 10:41

It`s still a difference of about £50. If you have printed evidence of the lower price, take this to the store and see what they have to say - you`re on pretty firm ground to ask for that advertised price (although you wouldn`t exactly take them to court over it). Just make a fuss and wave the ad under their noses.


RE: Richer sounds - rip off!!!!

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 15:00

thanks for the replies. i went to them in watford and picked up a catalogue (stating the price for the multiregion machine at £550). I asked them about the price on the website but they just said that the costs of running the store meant that the prices would be higher. I still think that £90 over the website price is a bit extreme though (but there is a delivery cost if ordering from their site).

Not too bothered though, picked up the machine for £400 at and it comes with 3 dvds (getting it modded next week for around £60). Thanks for your help!!

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