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Retailer Reviews Forum

Forward Cellular wound up & Chatterbox cashback problems

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 16:55

I ordered a sim card from them where they refund you the years line rental after the first bill.
I have sent them the first bill.
They have received it. This was in a reply to my numerous email. They said that they were going to send it out that week (25/1/05), but I have not received it yet.
Now all the emails that I have sent to them gets the automated reply that someone will reply in 24 hrs,but to date no success.
When you try ringing them "0870" number, you are kept in a queque which cuts off after 15 mins. So they are also making money by making you on hold on the "0870" number.
What can I do ?
Has any one else had problems with this outfit?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th March 2005, 18:06

RE: forward cellular (of leicester)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 18:05

see next post from me - sadly, they`ve gone bust

Firstly, plug the number into Say No To 0870 so you can find out the direct number for a start.

Secondly send them a very stiff recorded delivery letter setting out exactly what you have done to contact them, what you are owed and set them a deadline of, say seven days. Warn them that if they fail to act within those seven days you will take legal advice....

I`m having trouble with Chatterbox at the moment, and will be sending them a letter tomorrow - at least you have a phone number to contact for cashbacks - Chatterbox won`t give out a number for this.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 18:25

RE: forward cellular (of leicester)

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 18:23

Oh dear - got some bad news fror you, I`m afraid. Posted on another forum earlier today :

I have been waiting for my cashback from Forward Cellular for about 6 weeks. Got a letter from Harrisons Business Recovery/Insolvency Practitioners this morning informing me that the Director of Forward Cellular has decided to commence liquidation proceedings.

Not a good result - you will probably have to be added as a creditor, but I don`t think you`ll be high ranking creditor, more`s the pity :(

I recommend you contact your mobile provider and get downgraded to the cheapest rental you can live with.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 18:24

RE: forward cellular (of leicester)

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 19:55

Now, I know why they are not replying to the emails.
But, they are still making money on their "0870" number.
Looks like that I will not be getting anything back.

I tried looking for "geographyical number" but no joy.
This "0870" is waste of time , as you are just kept on hold, while its earning them money!!!!!!
Their web site is still running!!!
Robbing barstewards

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th February 2005, 19:59 Cashback

wilsoff (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 13:27


I am also having difficulty with and their cashback offer. I sent my statements on 17 January 05 and have received nothing. I must have sent them 20 emails, and I received only one reply about three weeks ago saying that I would be paid within 2 weeks. Since then, nothing. Did you get anywhere?



RE: Cashback

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 19:05

No joy.
I sent them a letter via post, but still no reply. I have now given up on them.
But, I have taken another offer from carphone warehouse which works out £2.99 per month after 2 six monthly rebates. I hope they don`t go bust!!!!

If Chatterbox are still trading, then contact citizens advice bureau/ trading standards for their advice.

Also keep spamming chatterbox with emails everyday !!!!!

RE: Cashback

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 00:42

I`m in the same boat with Chatterbox - they spun me some yarn that I`d sent them statements too early, so I went along with it and waited for the next one before sending it off again. They gave me a different PO address to the one I used first to send the statement to - now in Denham, Oxford rather than London.

Three weeks and still waiting....they do say allow 28 days though.

Make sure you send e-mails to kcabhsaC[at]moc.xobrettahc by the way, quoting your original order number - and definitely keep copies and send stuff by recorded delivery :)


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 00:48

RE: Cashback

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 10:25

I would chase them if i were you ( e.g. by emails)
You never know that they might be having cashflow problems.

The last email I had from Forward Cellular, promised that they would be sending out the rebate that week & you know what happened.

RE: Cashback

wilsoff (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 13:48

I won`t fully believe it until I actually see the cash, but after a week of sending an email to chatterbox everyday, (getting stronger as the week`s gone on) I`ve just had a phone call (landline at work, not mobile, strangely enough) from saying that they have authorised and sent the payment, but that it will take 3 working days to arrive. I`ll let you know how I got on.

I don`t know if it made any difference, but I work for a well known financial company and sent it from my work address. Fingers crossed that this isn`t another chtterbox lie.

This item was edited on Friday, 11th March 2005, 09:57

RE: Cashback

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 12th March 2005, 00:23

They sent me an unbelievable e-mail giving me a number to fax the bills to - good job I kept scans of them all....


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

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