Page 1 of TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Retailer Reviews Forum

TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Gazedmunds (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 02:42

Hi all, I have a tv workshop in South Wales, and have slowly crept into DVD upgrading etc. over the past few years.
A year or so ago I bought a DVD mod from techtronics for a Samsung 709, I didnt have the source code for this at the time.
When it arrived (a bloody bare chip), I installed it and it just did not function, so I contacted Techtronics and they said send it back..

this chip cost £50 mind you..!!!

so I did, and re-contacted them two days later...
whaddya know ...

`sorry sir, your chip hasnt arrived` !!

it went first class, but NOT recorded...

so I haggled over a couple of days with them, and their attitude was..
`how do we know you sent it back`..??

never mind `the customers always right`...
with Techtronics: `the customers always s***e`.

were talking a £0.50 pence 12c508 chip, and no benefi of the doubt was given...

RE: TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Spock (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 15:14

Can`t help noticing the time and date of this posting, strange that it has taken 12 months to complain about this incident. Might have helped others if you had posted it a bit sooner. Would be good to hear from anyone else with similar experiences with any supplier.

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th May 2001, 15:18

RE: TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Gazedmunds (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 00:32

Did not come across this forum til a day or two before I posted...

RE: TECHTRONICS... competitors view

Gazedmunds (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 00:40

You know what..
I just brought up your profile and post history, and you got something negative to say to every post I made in this forum...
you got a problem with me ???
cos we can surely arrange something to sort it out if you have !!!!

RE: TECHTRONICS... competitors view

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 00:57

Yes, but not on this forum please, both of you.

Play nicely, now.

Moderator for DVD Reviewer

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