Page 1 of BOL dumb dispatch

Retailer Reviews Forum

BOL dumb dispatch

Mark Sayers (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th February 2001, 09:38

Books online BOL, had some good prices on DVDs, ordered a couple, arrived in 3 days, VHS in package, long chat to customer service, they would only resolve the problem if I re ordered at my cost. The original would be refunded once they received the return.

3 days later new package two more VHS copies!

Customer service suggested the same solution I refused, and returned the second package for refund.

Now the insult gets deeper, 3 weeks have past since the first package was returned. Today I got an email saying the first cockup is refunded, but I have had to complain repeatedly. They say they haven`t received the second return yet.

BOL = BOLxxxxs steer clear, at best the web site is broke, and customer service haven`t read their job desciption.


RE: BOL dumb dispatch

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 18th February 2001, 19:07

BOL advertise stuff on their site they don`t have, can`t get or are offering unfeasibly cheaply. I avoid them like the plague.

RE: BOL dumb dispatch

Mark Sayers (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th February 2001, 06:14

Well 6 days later and BOL still haven`t refunded the second error, seems BOL have two speed post and banking. Quick to take money and dispatch, but my return must be automatically detected by the P.O. and sent by carrier snail.

BOL couldn`t possiblly be hanging onto my money, (obtained under false pretences) for as long as possible could they ? ;-(

rant off

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