Page 1 of `5 Minutes To Live` Have I Been Ripped Off?

Retailer Reviews Forum

`5 Minutes To Live` Have I Been Ripped Off?

dgh (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 16:39

I ordered a couple of DVD`s from, which have not turned up yet after over a month from the date that I ordered them. I have e-mailed them a couple of times and have had no reply. Some people may say that I got what I deserved by ordering `public domain` DVD-Rs, but the site seemed reputable enough, and had recieved good word of mouth on the DVD Maniacs forum. Has anyone here had a similar experience who could offer some helpful advice?

RE: `5 Minutes To Live` Have I Been Ripped Off?

hopethishelps (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 19th November 2003, 17:11

If you have ordered by credit card and the company have taken your money.. The CC company should refund you. They will also look into why the goods have not turned up.

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