Page 1 of Movietyme BTTF trilogy strangeness

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Movietyme BTTF trilogy strangeness

lard (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th December 2002, 14:49

So I pre-ordered the Back to the Future trilogy on Region 1 from Movietyme for £23. Not the cheapest place by a couple of quid or so, and it`s already out R2 and R4 with less features etc. but I don`t mind. They`ve apparently got them in stock now which is nice as I believe the official date is the 17th. Nice early crimbo pressie.

So anyway I had a little look at the site just now and the price for ordering the set now is £40. Yep £40. That`s for the USA version. The Canadian is £24 and R4 is only £21 of course. But, £40? They`ve stated they`re honouring the pre-order price, which is fair and correct, but that`s one hell of a price hike, considering you can get it for substantially less at several other places.


(oh, and the obligatory BTTF quote for such threads:
<said through liquor> jeez you smoke too! )

RE: Movietyme BTTF trilogy strangeness

Oakland_Raider (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th December 2002, 23:37

I agree, it is weird. They did the same with Spiderman Collectors Box. i pre ordered at £26.99, then when it appeared for shipping, it was £34.99 and THEN, the next day it was £39.99. Two weeks later, they do a special offer of buying it, inc. recorded delivery for £26.99!! I can not understand why they are charging £39.99 for BTTF when, like you say, you can buy R2 version for a minimum of £10 less. Be interested to know if they have a rwason for the price hikes.

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