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Retailer Reviews Forum

dddhouse help !!!

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 14:41

hi has anyone ordered from dddhouse ive just placed an order with them and i was wondering how long they take too arrive and whats the quality like on there stuff ive just ordered..battle royale..and 4 chinese horror movies ..and has anyone had problems with the movies coming threw customs or got a customs bill..thanks

RE: dddhouse help !!!

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 15:13

Had a problem with my own copy of Battle Royal from them....kept freezing and jumping at certain chapters. Had to send off my copy at my own cost for them to send me an new, and working version. To be honest, I wish I`d waited for the R2 version. I wasn`t recompensed for the postage second time around.

RE: dddhouse help !!!

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 16:10

I ordered 3 titles a while ago and got hit with a customs bill. Best to order individually!

RE: dddhouse help !!!

Stigman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 17:09

I have ordered a few DVDs from them and so far I have had no problems with orders, posting or quality.

I just hope a large bill does not arrive from customs, my girl answers the door, and gets a shock when she realises I ordered a couple of the crap Adult ones too for a bit of craic.



RE: dddhouse help !!!

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 12:49

i hope i dont get a customs bill my order is below the £18 charge limit i ordered 5 dvds and the english total is £12 for the actual order..when they come does it state the english value or the hong kong dollar value ..?

RE: dddhouse help !!!

kang (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 16:14

Whether it states HK dollars or Sterling, HM Customs and Excise possess calculators and have a good idea about exchange rates.

It`s by far best to order individual discs. Given they`re still dirt cheap even if ordered singly, why worry?

For the record, I`ve ordered about 10 or so discs from DDDHouse and never had a single problem. Incidentally, don`t just check out the Chinese section - there`s nearly always some great bargains to be had in the European films.

RE: dddhouse help !!!

aggassi (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 16:29

thanks everyone for your help ive emailed dddhouse to ask them to put the values in english pounds on the box so hopefully i shouldnt get a big bill if i do ill do what you said kang and order them individually in future ..

RE: dddhouse help !!!

Nick Dickens (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 17:47

When it comes to porn brought over the internet (unless it contains fisting, sado-masichsm (is this spelt right) bondage, simulated rape or anything depicting violence (it is simulated) you should not have any other problem getting it through the post. The usual illegal (child abuse, beastiality) stuff will get you arrested and banged away. But the sort of scum who get this just down load it.

If you order say a Private hardcore video, or DVD, or say a Ben Dover title that has explicit imagery of sexual acts, you won`t be in any danger from customs - just like all the thousands of men and women who look at legal and legitimate sexual content on the internet (remember you must keep it out of the way of your children,/younger brother or sister if you have any).

As for Customs (fact: they do not open a great deal, unlike America they are forbidden from keeping lists and say going Mr Smith of X lane Manchester has got another jiffy bag from Amsterdam. I bet its porn lets open it). This does not happen. Customs may open items in the course of their duties, but opening everything (sorry but illegal immigrants are more of a pain for them than legally brought legal porn) is not possible. In about two years I`ve had three items stopped by customs and only one contained hardcore porn from America (it was just before Christmas last year. My fiancee got it rang me at home then rang me up at work saying a box had arrived and she had to pay the postman £10 approx for it (she didn`t know what it was) That fee is a customs and excise charge (basically they charged me £4 for the privelige of opening my package, then Royal Mail charge £6 for their handling charge, because customs open it. I know its a pain, but anything coming into the country can be checked for matters of a legal nature (to stop crime) and for security). Post 9/11 not much has changed. The Customs staff only stop certain items coming from `sensitive areas - say the Iraq, or if the package is deemed suspicious. If you order say the new Lord of the Rings box set from Americ a because you might want the R1 over the R2, this might get stopped because its a big item and you will pay say £10.

A friend went a little mad a while ago and purchased six boxsets of DVDs (X Files, Buffy, Jurassic Park trilogy, etc and it was a big box. He had it sent to work (so he`d guarentee it getting there asap) and he got clobbered by Customs - know what he was charged... £17, he`d ordered over $400 worth of stuff, and the box weighted about 4 kg. So it ain`t that bad.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th October 2002, 18:06

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