Page 1 of Sopranos

Retailer Reviews Forum


blank (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th July 2002, 21:57

CDWow have the series one box set (R1) for only £44.99, but as its shipped from overseas (my understanding anyway) will customs charge VAT and import tax?

Thanks for any replies


RE: Sopranos

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 01:31

I know it`s a bit late but just order the complete Serie 1 (6 disks) from EzyDVD for just over £22 (P&P not included). It would be hard to beat.


RE: Sopranos

Lucky (Competent) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 11:25

Hey jean88,

could you tell me when you recieve yours, I placed an order with them 2 weeks ago for sopranos, and im still waiting for as it shipped last week.


RE: Sopranos

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th August 2002, 16:45

Just received a confirmation email from EzyDVD. It is the first time that I buy from them. I called my credit card company and they said that the whole transaction came to £29 not bad if I escape the custom thing. Let you know when I receive them.


RE: Sopranos

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 11:43

Despite the lower price compared to R1, there seems to be stuff missing. Including the 1.78:1 anamorphic transfer. R4 is fullscreen. I`d be more tempted to buy into R1 myself.

Check out the R4 review here:

CD-Wow are charging a good price and I`ve not had stuff stopped by Customs yet. Mind you, I`ve not ordered any large boxes from CD-Wow so I can`t really say how Customs friendly that would be.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th August 2002, 11:45

RE: Sopranos

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 11:15

Just received my setbox from EZYDVD this morning, I did not have to pay the custom and excise so at £29 think it`s a bargain even if it is slightly different from the R1.

RE: Sopranos

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 23:59

My Sopranos series 3 boxset was shipped yesterday.
Got it from dvdsoon for £38 inc. postage

RE: Sopranos

davros (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st August 2002, 01:45

I got my sopranos season 3 region 1 from this morning.

£44.00 and customs didnt touch it -Bargain!

Had the region 4 versions but sold them and bought them all on region1 - big difference!


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