Page 1 of unlocking a nokia 1600

PCs & Mobiles Forum

unlocking a nokia 1600

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2006, 20:20

hi guys :) i`ve not needed to unlock a mobile phone for ages, so i`ve no idea where it stands these days :( does anybody know if the 1600 can be imei unlocked ? & if so which calc do i need :)

it`s currently locked to tesco mobile....

thanks for any help :)

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2006, 22:03


If I have to unlock a nokia, I start over at the forums as even with the online and downloadable calculators available, I find that there are some not so obvious setting options :/
The search for unlocking 1600 gave these results. Have a look the posts until you find enough information to work with.
EDIT: If you don`t want to go down that route, you could have a look over at MSE forums and post a request there.



Have you tried switching it on........?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 29th November 2006, 22:40

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

thezafiraman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 11:24

Hi,Ogster,if you trust me enough to send me the imei no. I will generate the code for you.I have unlocked about 10 in the past month.However if you have had 5 attempts to unlock it by code,then it wiill need a cable unlock.

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 17:16

cheers mate :) you have mail :)

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

thezafiraman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 18:58

Codes mailed,Follow instructions.Let me know how you get on.OOps,Take the sim out.

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 20:29

cheers :) but i`m having a problem with the p w + i keep pressing the * key like you said but nowt comes up :(

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

thezafiraman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 21:01

Hi, Ogster,You need to press the key in quick.It does take some practise.
Keep your finger on the * key and press.

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2006, 14:21

me again :)

sorry, i just can`t get this to work. i tried what you sent (as pasted below) but i`m not sure how you meant me to do it.

Model: Nokia (1600 )
IMEI: ********************
Network: 23400003

#pw+240 865 264 755 054+1#
#pw+880 531 301 742 721+2#
#pw+429 817 245 645 005+3#
#pw+835 971 453 226 461+4#
#pw+219 345 633 610 237+5#
#pw+417 677 333 433 162+6#
#pw+913 812 535 065 104+7#
To bring up p w + press * key till displayed .Dont take too long puting the
codes in or you`ll have to start all over again

the problem is that pressing the star key doesn`t seem to acomplish anything :( it doesn`t give me a password etc, also, am i suposed to keep hold of the star key whilst entering the rest of the code ?

sorry to be a pain in the arse.....

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2006, 17:12


to get PW and +, you press the * key as if you were trying to scroll through the different letters assigned to each number key (eg the number 2 key selects the letters ABC etc when in text mode) so you push the * key and get *, you push the * key again quite quickly and get the next symbol in the sequence, +, you push it again quickly and get the P and next would be W.
If you leave a slight pause then the phone will think that you`re ready to enter the next digit in the sequence, so:
press the # key,
to get p, press the * key 3 times quite quickly (you should see the screen display *,+ and p in sequence) (display= #p)
to get w, press the * key 4 times quite quickly (display= #pw)
to get +, press the * key 2 times quite quickly (display= #pw+)
now enter the numbers etc and when you enter the last # the phone should display a message indicating sim restriction off or similar.
I assume that thezafiraman said to leave the SIM out and which of the 7 codes to use.



Have you tried switching it on........?

RE: unlocking a nokia 1600

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 3rd December 2006, 17:32

ta, worked first time :)

it was my mistake, i thought he meant that if i kept pressing the * key it would give me a password & that would prefix the imei code :¦

i`m perculiar like that :D

thanks for all the help guys :)

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