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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Mac ibook memory question

Dickieboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th September 2006, 14:31

Hello all,
I really do not have any idea about all this stuff so I thought I would turn to you guys for any help you can give me.
I have an ibook G3 (366MHz) and I want to upgrade the memory. I know how to fit a new memory circuit board thingy but I need to know about the compatibility with my machine.
I have just purchased some RAM (KTC311/256) from ebay and I now need to know whether it will actually work with my ibook.
Does anyone here have any idea?


RE: Mac ibook memory question

jemma (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2006, 22:04

Hi there Dickboy,

That`s a really mature laptop that you have!

Have a butchers at this link


RE: Mac ibook memory question

Dickieboy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 21:38

Mature? I prefer `Retro`.;)
Thanks for the link, I have now ordered mac specific memory - I can`t go wrong...


This item was edited on Sunday, 24th September 2006, 22:41

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