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need help buying a new graphics card

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 11:30

hello all,
i`m looking to upgrade my graphics card, at the moment i have a geforce2 mx200 64mb card, i`m looking to spend about £30 to £40 on a new one, my agp slot is universal 1x/2x/4x, i`m wondering whether to go for a 128mb card or a 256mb card,i`m not really aa hardcore gamer,mostly i watch dvd`s, any advice would be great,don`t really want to fry my mobo or the graphics card,also is it true that if i go for a 8x agp card it will drop down to 4x, and therefore be safe to use,thanks in advance.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 11:34

RE: need help buying a new graphics card

MikeElliot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 18:53

You don`t need 256MB if you are not playing games and if you are not using graphically intensive applications although bear in mind that the upcoming Windows Vista is taxing on the graphics though and requires a DirectX 9 compatible card. For DVDs, a cheap £40 graphics card will do the job.

If you do buy an 8x AGP card it will only run at 4x on your board.

RE: need help buying a new graphics card

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 19:43

thanks for the advice, so i should go for just a 128mb card,any advice on which one i should go for, also what`s this windows vista?

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 19:46

RE: need help buying a new graphics card

MikeElliot (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 22:10

Windows Vista (which was codenamed Longhorn during development stage) is to be released in the near future - it is currently in Beta stage and we tested it and found it very unstable in its current form (probably due to lack of compatible drivers at the moment). It has a 3D and transparent interface and consequently requires a DirectX 9 compatible graphics card. Other features include vector based icons,support for auxilliary displays, improved backup and a new version of Internet Explorer which Microsoft have unashamedly borrowed features from Firefox.

A 128MB graphics card will be fine for your purposes and if it is DirectX 9 compatible graphics card then that will work with Vista if you choose to upgrade later on.

RE: need help buying a new graphics card

hamshall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd November 2005, 22:21

i think i`m going to go with this one ASUS V9520-X/TD/128,thanks for all the help and advice, cheers.

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