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PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

Hodgster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 24th September 2005, 18:24

Hey guys wonder if you could help me out. My computer over the last few weeks has started to reboot itself on startup.

Everytime i start up the computer it can take up to 5 reboots to finally boot up into windows. It normally goes a bit futher in the booting sequence each time before automatically restarting the computer. Once finally started the computer is nearly always stable.

I recently changed the computer case to a more spacious case with more fans as the previous case was prone to overheating. The problem still occurs in the new case.

I have a suspicion that the overheating over the year has caused problems with either the PSU or the CPU.

Have you guys experienced any similar problems or suggest something that might fix this problem.


RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 00:01

Although it could be a number of things, it sounds like a classic psu fault, but as you`ve now had it in 2 cases (I assume your new case had a new psu in?), it may not be.

It`s really a process of elimitation-Can you try it `barebones` -i.e- with as little as possible plugged in-if it doesn`t boot correctly then you`ve eliminated that anything not plugged in is ok.

I did have this problem once, on an old PC in my office-there was a dry joint on the motherboard that , when cold wasn`t making a good enough connection, but when it started to warm up and expand slightly, it did.

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

MikeElliot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 10:39

If the PC doesn`t perform a cold start properly it is unlikely to be overheating problem and more likely an issue with device drivers and/or system files. Try reinstalling all drivers and then a Windows XP repair install from the CD.

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 13:04

As you`ve changed cases recently, I suspect you may have some flex damage or a loose component on your motherboard. Most likely you have a microfracture in a circuit track or connection, which is `shorted` when cold, but as you keep rebooting and the board heats up, the metals on the board heat up and expand, causing the fracture to rejoin and hey presto! all is well - until you power down and the fracture contracts and goes into short-citcuit mode again. If your system reboots before getting to the OS splash screen, then it`s unlikely to be software drivers and more possibly a hardware fault. Still, it`s worthwhile having a dekko at your event log, which might show problems if the system reboots during the OS load.

Mobos are very delicate things and I think you need a new one. :(


`Just Craptacular`

This item was edited on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 14:08

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

Hodgster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 17:04

Thanks guys for your replys.

The new case I recieved didnt have a new PSU so that could still be the fault.

I think you guys might be right about the fracture in the motherboard as it does appear needing to be heated up first before it works.

So would you guys suggest changing the motherboard or the PSU first to try and locate the fault?

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

Jemson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 17:32

Well I would suggest EmilyHoward`s idea of trying the trying unplugging components and then elimnating different possibilities. Failing that, softaware drivers are also notorious for causing these symptoms and a Windows install is a good idea too. The notion of cracks on motherboard is very rare and I wouldn`t go out an buy a new one willy nilly. The chance of a crack on the board is about 0.00001%.

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th September 2005, 23:06

Because it eventually starts and runs fine, I`m doubtful that it is in any way software related

It`s very possible that `something` has cracked during the transplant-Although motherboards are generally tough beggars, just catch them wrong or bend them ever so slightly in the wrong place and you could do some damage.

Where it is, God alone knows-it may not even be on the motherboard-it could be on your graphics card or any other PCI device you`ve got attached to it, that`s why going `barebones` and using a process of elimination is really the only way you`ve got of finding it...If you boot with just HDD, 1 stick of memory and graphics card, if it boots fine, then you know that the fault lies elsewhere- if it doesn`t, try a different stick of RAM, then (if possible) a different graphics card..etc..etc.. Trouble is, you`ll need to do this from cold, and you`ll only get a few chances before it does actually boot ok!!

..That, or leave the thing running 24/7!!!

RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

Hodgster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th September 2005, 16:27

Hey guys managed to solve the problem :)

Turned out to be my graphics card, after closer inspection noticed it looked a bit nakered so took it out and booted up and hey presto computer appeared to boot up first time ( No monitor output but i`m sure it did).

Thanks again for everyone who helped me out.

P.s Any suggestions about a new graphics card - not needing a really high end card but a decent enough card would be nice for the odd game of half life 2.


RE: PC keeps rebooting on startup Help Required

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th September 2005, 01:17

Just a word of caution here- are you sure it`s the card, not the AGP slot? Can you see the fault on the card? If not, try that card in another machine if you can, see it it repeats the problem there- if not, even though it looks like it`s knacked, it might be functioning ok.

If you can`t try it in another machine, clean up the gold connectors that fit into the AGP slot, try clearing any dust that`s accumulated on the graphics card fan, and if you can blow some air through the AGP slot in case there is any bits of fluff or whatever in there, then try it again -might save you a few quid!!

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