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Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd July 2005, 18:43

Anyone know where I can get one of these for around the £100 mark? I have the afformentioned sum of money burning a hole after flogging my old TV and I want something a bit more modern than my trusty Samsung T100. The main thing is mp3 ringtones, a camera and IR connectivity to up/download stuff between devices. I know someone who has the K500 and it looks ok, nice screen, reasonable construction (albeit a little flimsy compared to the T100).

I want an unbranded one, and while I`ve seen them on eBay for less than a £100 they all seem to be locke dto O2 or whatever. Anyone know where I can get one of these (or a phone with similar funcionality) for the kind of money I have. The 12MB shouldn`t be too much of a problem for me, but I did consider looking for one that could be expanded (Nokia 6230).

Unfortunately the phones I really like (D500 and E720) are way lout of my price range. I don`t want a contract as I don`t use the phone often enough to warrant it (it`s main so agencies can get in touch with me about contracts), and after seeing what customised firmware from Vodafone and Orange do to mobiles, I can`t say I want one! Thanks in advance for any help.

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

gingaman (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 09:10

hi mate, orange are doing the sony k700i for £99 at the moment, im thinking about getting one myself!

hope this helps!


This item was edited on Monday, 4th July 2005, 10:13

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 09:20

Yeah cheers. I take it that`s the next model up? Is there any way to easily remove all the Orange crap and get it back to a `virgin` state? I hate the customised firmware that these muppets put on the phones...

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 11:40

i can do that for you.. just email me

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 16:10

ill sell you my new f500i with data lead etc unlocked for £60 inc p&p still u/g

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

KaTz (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 16:42

whats done to mess up the software on the orange and voda fones?
does it reduce the functionality of the phone, or is it just cosmetic - ie. menus and wall papers.?

i myself was looking for a k750i or the D750i. both the same but the D750i is T mobile.
Haggis- any idea if the K / D 750i can be unlocked to all networks??


RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 17:14

I believe it`s both. My auntie has been going through a string of mobiles lately, all with operator-customisation issues. She switched from Orange to Voda after fifteen + years because she had three duff phone sin a row. Then the Voda mobile didn`t work properly (Nokia 6230), so they gave her a D500. Vodaphone Live doesn`t work with that (incompatible apparently), plus some of the features were disabled. Then she had a Sammy 720, same story (she had three of these - they all kept locking up). She`s now waiting for some newfangled thing...

My experience is, operator crap bad, virgin phones good. After all, the operators don`t make the phones in the first place, so it`s not hard to see why they screw the firmware with all of the `clever` customisations.

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 18:25

Haggis- any idea if the K / D 750i can be unlocked to all networks??

not at the moment.. i couldn`t wait and just bought a sim free brand new one from a company in Holland.. (cheapest in Europe.. so I was told)

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

KaTz (Elite) posted this on Monday, 4th July 2005, 21:11

how much did u pay? :o
if its cheap i might be after one of those too :D
what do u think of the nokia 3230 compared to one of the 750i`s. if it wasn`t for the camera being 2MP would the sony erricson still be on top?

This item was edited on Monday, 4th July 2005, 22:23

RE: Sony K500 or similar for under a ton?

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 15:07

it was about £220

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 16:09

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