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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Is it possible to convert a DVD to a quicktime file?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 16:24

Basically the thread says it all. I have the DVD and want to create quicktime file. It`s not for anything dodgy, I need to input the files into Avid for a Studio production so I can edit them as VT segments (I could just use trailers, but I want to at least try something different ;) ). It`s for college so no copyright issues.

My DVD Collection

RE: Is it possible to convert a DVD to a quicktime file?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 17:15

I`m guessing you need to locate and rip the VOB files off the disc first. I`ve just had a look on, but there`s nothing that jumps out. Thought about changing it to a MPG first, then to a *.mov, but no joy.

I`ll keep lookin

Edit, try this MP4 opens with quicktime, so one of these might be what you`re looking for...
Been nowhere
Done Nothing
Stole the T-shirt

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This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 18:23

RE: Is it possible to convert a DVD to a quicktime file?

iom_Chris (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th May 2005, 20:28


I presume you`re working on a Mac if you`re using Quicktime - in that case i recommend Handbrake, available here.

You can put in a DVD, and convert it to MPEG-4. It outputs an MP4 file, and the Avid website says the Pro version can handle them. If you`re using a lesser version, then iMovie or Quciktime Pro can export it to a MOV.

Hope this helps, I`ve been figuring out how to get movie clips off a DVD for work.


RE: Is it possible to convert a DVD to a quicktime file?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 17:17

Cheers guys.

I`m not using a Mac, but Quicktime is something I use when outputting DV to DVD.

If I can`t figure it out, I`ll just record the clips from DVD onto a MiniDV and input the footage via firewire. I might even just steal the music videos from the bonus DVD on the Revenge of the Sith soundtrack, since it`s a show all on Star Wars (I ran out of time due to work on my other idea, which was too ambitious, so I`m falling back on something I`m knowledgeable on ;) ).

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