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DVD Shrink navigation question?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 21:40

I have successfully used both DVD Shrink & DVD Decrypter to back up some of my dvd collection, with very few problems. But, a colleague of mine is experiencing a problem, which I have not come across before.

He is trying to back up one of his dvd`s (not sure of the title), but he says that DVD Shrink gives him the following message "Invalid DVD navigation structure". I suggested using Decryptor, which he has now tried. He says Decrypter appears to decrypt the dvd files to his specified location, but Shrink still encounters a problem when opening the files. When he tries to open the saved files, using Shrink, he gets this message "Invalid data in file VTS_01_1.VOB".

Apparently, the only way he is able to back up his disc, is by using the `Nero Create a DVD-video file disc option using Nero Express`. If he adds the .bup, .ifo & .vob files and then burns the disc, it is succesful. Although, he does get an error message before the burning process starts, which reads something like "DVD-video files reallocation failed. The dvd might be unplayable. Do you want to continue?". If he chooses to continue the disc burns without a problem.

I`ve told him that I personally don`t know enough regarding this subject, but told him I would post his problem & hope to get an idea as to what is happening.


"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 22:11

Is it really a backup of an original?
You get this quite often with downloaded DVD`s apparently when extras etc. are removed but the ifo file not adjusted to suit.
You should still be OK if Nero burns it though with the message you mention.
There seem to be a few discs just recently with a newer form of protection on that stops Shrink and even Decrypter reading the disc..


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RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th March 2005, 23:08

Is it really a backup of an original?

Good question, SJ. That is something I never thought to ask...trusting soul that I am! ;) I will ask him tomorrow whether it is an original copy, or not.

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 08:21

There seem to be a few discs just recently with a newer form of protection on that stops Shrink and even Decrypter reading the disc..

anydvd anyone?;-)

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RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

sj (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 08:37

copy protection based on unreadable sectors? :o ;)


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RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 09:23

your `colleague` hasnt appropriated the DVD via something that sounds like Hit Warrant perchance?

Most DVDs one of my `colleagues` has dloaded has spat up

"DVD-video files reallocation failed. The dvd might be unplayable. Do you want to continue?"

But has burned and played absolutely fine. But `he` hasnt come across this error with any other physical DVDs.

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RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 09:23

According to the Shrink forums, it`s Sony`s new copy protection. DVD Shrink can`t handle it. It will only be on certain DVD`s (I know Resident Evil Apocalypse is one!), so ask your mate to try one you know can be backed up.

RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 12:35

any dvd has sorted sony`s new protection. If anydvd is running it`ll be fine.

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RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 13:32

any dvd has sorted sony`s new protection. If anydvd is running it`ll be fine.

And Clone DVD apparently ;) .


RE: DVD Shrink navigation question?

steve watson (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th March 2005, 20:03

You need to Download AnyDVD from Slysoft sits in the system tray (it ignores `faulty` sectors...) it will then allow you to `backup` the DVD`s.

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