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PCs & Mobiles Forum

where to get new mobile?

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th September 2004, 17:39

i put a post up a few weeks back about advice on a new phone. i decided to get the nokia 3100. i went along to o2 shop but no luck, i went again today and still none in. i have no preference to the shop only that i got my other one there a few years ago and we have our home phone from bt. so i had a look in a few others today, carphone warehouse, phones for u and the link. they all had it for the same price as o2. so i just wandered if the above are ok to get it from, having never got one from them before, any problems with any. to be honest apart from going there to buy it i dont imagine id be going back in atall, i never did with o2. different if its a contract phone but this would just be pay as u go.


RE: where to get new mobile?

baby-cakes (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th September 2004, 18:52

hi i don`t think it really matters where you get the phone from, I have had a few from ebay before and from shops, being a gadget freak i like to keep changing them, if there is a good deal on from 02 get it there same with the others, link,vodafone,carphone warehouse, just make sure you read up on the phone before getting, (so you dont get one to complicated, or boring) i actually have the nokia3100 at the moment also the the next one up(camera) personally it is the longest i have had a phone i LOVE ITl, Good luck

RE: where to get new mobile?

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th September 2004, 19:59

Cirdan - just for you - I`ve looked at this again. The cheapest I can find is £45 here - this requires the use of a couple of codes to get free P&P and £15 as a first order. Then there`s the £70 from that gives you 750 free off peak to T mobile and landlines that I spoke of in your original thread.


RE: where to get new mobile?

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th September 2004, 03:31


i will pick one up, if i can get one that is, during the week. thanks for the feedback, on both posts.

just been out today and picked one up from 02 shop for £59, come down by a tenner from last week. i was going to go into a few other shops to get it since 02 hadnt had any for a while but i went in anyway to get another phone topped up and aked if they had any while i was there. they did so i got one, waiting a week or so saved me £10 so not too bad in the end.

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd October 2004, 18:35

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