Page 1 of AOL and Outlook Express, are they incompatible ??

PCs & Mobiles Forum

AOL and Outlook Express, are they incompatible ??

stephen harris (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th September 2004, 18:50

a friend of mine has just signed up to AOL as an ISP for a free period, but now finds she can`t collect her e-mails from her Yahoo e-mail account using Outlook express.

Is it true that Outlook express and AOL don`t work together ?

RE: AOL and Outlook Express, are they incompatible ??

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th September 2004, 19:51

She could download AOL communicator. Works exactly like Outlook express, but is AOL compatiable.

Keyword: Communicator

I seem to remember a program that allowed AOL and OE to work together, but I haven`t used OE in years, so preferred to use AOL communicator.

RE: AOL and Outlook Express, are they incompatible ??

thebiff (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 3rd October 2004, 07:23


On AOL go to keyword IMAP, i have set this up in outlook and works great for sending and recieving.

The Biff

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