Page 1 of Two hassles I`m having with my PC, could do with some help!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Two hassles I`m having with my PC, could do with some help!

Markey (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th May 2004, 01:03

Ive been getting many RUNTIME ERRORS from my browser recently which is preventing pages from opening on a lot of sites, from what I can tell it seems to be in relation to JAVA SCRIPT. This all seemed to start when I installed ZONE ALARM PRO. But even when I switch it off completely, these errors are appearing and I still cant get certain pages to load. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


On an unrelated matter, but still browser themed: when I hook up my laptop to my PC via an Ethernet port, my laptop browser fails to find the net connection through my PC when I open it, despite the connection reading as there and working at the bottom of the screen. I followed the XP guides on setting up a home network, but still I`m having this browser failure. On the laptop Ive gone into the INTERNET OPTIONS then CONNECTIONs and ticked the NEVER DIAL A CONNECTION box, but still no luck.

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