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Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th April 2004, 10:26

Was taking pics with my camera when it suddenly asked for the card to be formatted!!

Hadn`t switched it off or anything - now, I can`t access the photos I took which has really peed me off as they were of my 1 year old when we were out for the day yesterday and some taken this morning with her 10 month old cousin.

I really don`t want to lose the photos - is there anything I can do to retrieve them??

Thanks in advance

This item was edited on Saturday, 24th April 2004, 11:26

RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 24th April 2004, 10:38


can you connect the camera to your pc via usb?
usually when you link it up to the pc you can access the
memory card almost as if it was another drive.

try this first:-
link everything up, go into "my computer" and you should see
the camera connection. click on it to see if you can view the contents.
if you can, drag the photo`s to somewhere e.g. my documents.


Ste. that gasoline I smell?

RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th April 2004, 12:25

Hi Ste,

Thanks for info, Well, I have a card reader so I put the card in that but no pics?

Will try the usb cable that came with the camera tho`


RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 24th April 2004, 12:40


hope you can save the pic`s, it`s a real pain when you lose `em.
I had loads stored on a cdr from a couple of years ago, and when
i tried to access them recently they wouldn`t show :/

luckily, i had a back up on a "better" grade cdr :)

Ste. that gasoline I smell?

RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

retrogeezer (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th April 2004, 20:19

I`ve had no joy so far - anyone else got any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

random username (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th April 2004, 21:13

There is some software that finds lost photos on memory cards and so on, try googling. I had no joy with one I lost, but it was on kodak internal memory, rather than on a card (bloody 4 way rocker buttons!!).

RE: Digital camera asking to format card in the middle of taking pics - HELP>>

fergus4 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th April 2004, 11:08

I crapped up a flash card once, and got back almost all the pictures with PhotoRescue.

Top company customer service, and the free download shows what it can get back before you pay them so you don`t waste cash.

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