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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Battlefield: Vietnam

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 09:27

Has anyone tried this on their computer? I was wondering what the performance levels were like on Radeons.

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 15:56

Radeon 9800pro, Athlon 2500XP, 1gb RAM.

Runs fantastically on high detail! I haven`t noticed any problems tbh, but there seems to be some debate about the quality on Radeon cards.

Looks much better than BF1942 too - I love the jungle stuff and the 60`s music blaring out of vehicles.

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

Magic_ians (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 16:49

I havnt got Battlefield 1942 Vietnam yet!
Is it same as 1942 but with better graphics? :/

My DVD Collection :D

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 16:49

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd March 2004, 18:15

I got it on Friday, been awaiting the launch after reading the reviews for a few weeks £24.50 delivered on release day from Amazon :)

I don`t normally play games but got a few since getting this new PC in December. Been really into Delta Force Black Hawk Down, and Team Sabre online, and thought this would be just as good.

Not having played any of the other Battlefield games before, I`m finding the controls a bit hard after getting used to DF:BHD and gave up on it slightly, although it does look promising if I can get to grips with the controls. I have found it nigh on impossible to get an online game though, every server seems to be full when I try to get on a game.

As for how it plays, graphics are stunning, as is DF:BHD on this nVidia GeForce 256mb 5600FX graphics card running on P4 3.02ghz, 512mb DDR ram.

I find Vietnam a bit dark though, prefer the light desert maps of BHD, but guess I`ll get the hang of it in time. :)

Mark. :)

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 08:54

What I was really asking was how it would run on a Radeon 9800 Pro. Thanks JulesBloke, which drivers are you using? I`ve been hearing about problems all over the internet with BF:V which is why I asked if anyone had made it work(people only tend to complain).

Magic_ians: First, it is not BF1942: Vietnam, it is Battlefield: Vietnam. Second, if you`ve ever played BF1942 you should find it easy to get to grips with this buut it is marginally different in places. As for the graphics, they look worse here because I can`t set the graphics detail any higher.

HD462: What reviews? I was only able to read one review and that was from PC Gamer whose opinions I tend to treat with a pinch of salt anyway. I also went from Delta Force to BF1942(I don`t have broadband at home so I tend to play my uncle`s games when I visit). It speaks volumes for the quality of BF1942 that I decided to buy this game on the day of release despite being on a dialup. Servers? On my dialup I was able to find plenty of servers(mostly empty). But anything above 4 people and I wound up with a ping of 800+, so it is unplayable. If you are having trouble with the planes, PRACTICE offline. The same applies for helicopters(although copters are super easy to fly on here, just tilt it forwards and off you go).

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 10:54

I`m sure it`ll run really well TinnionA. I`ve got a 9800 Pro and I run most games on high graphics settings and high resolution.

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 11:06

Using the 4.2 Catalyst drivers, with control panel.

You`ll get the hang of the controls. In all my first person shooters I set up the same keys. Mouse for looking and firing. A S W D for forward, back, side step. Using ASWD give your thumb easy access to the spacebar for Jump and then C for crouch (or left shift if you want to use your pinky :D ). Plus your left hand is then near the number keys (usually used for changing guns - but I use the mouse wheel). If the game supports it you can use Q and E to lean. R for reload is near. etc.... Find a comfortable position for your hand and get use to the controls. Set up all your games the same and you can`t go wrong.

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 12:19

C for crouch? Really? I always change crouch to ctrl, especially if it isn`t a toggle crouch. Otherwise I get RSI in my left hand. That is not good.

I was checking out more reviews, and one person(a girl typically(sorry that`s a bit of a stereotype)) said she had trouble flying helicopters, but that keyboard control worked fine for the planes? WTF? How can anyone fly a helicopter using the keyboard? You have to have analogue precision which you don`t get with a keyboard. Its bad enough trying to control rotor speed let alone the tilt of the helicopter. Sorry, it just makes me laugh how stupid some people can be.

Hold on, let me find the relevant link.

here it is:

After desert combat, these copters are easy.

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 18:09

I tend to use CTRL for voice comms. Actually, now I use either LSHIFT or LALT for crouch, with C for prone - depends on what the game needs. I also have a Microsoft "natural" keyboard - one that looks split in the middle - so it`s more comfortable to get to some keys than on a normal one.

Can`t fly choppers without a joystick! I spent ages mastering choppers in DC - it was so difficult that when you saw a good pilot you knew he/she was good and respected the skill involved. I resent the fact they`ve dumbed them down a bit tbh, but I suppose they can`t release a game where choppers are such an integral part and make them impossible or everyone would complain.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 18:10

RE: Battlefield: Vietnam

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd March 2004, 19:02

try having space for duck and wheel mouse up for jump. It sounds weird, but with the roll motion you can chain jumps together like mad (especially on double jumpers like UT). You jump the split second you hit the ground, which makes the difference between a head shot and a slightly less fatal body shot ;)

I saw a few guys at team AMD using this technique at the Newbury LAN last week and gave it a go. It really makes a difference. Well hard to get used to though.

And for modern games, im afraid dial-up just cant cut it anymore. There is so much stuff going on in modern games (planes and the like) that its virtually impossible to get a decent game on anything that came out within the last year or so.

My mate Jon has got the baddest PC of anyone i know. Water cooled, OC`ed 3.2ghz p4, 1gig ram, 9800xt the lot. But he lives in the arse end of no where so no Broadband of any type. The beatings i give him at Halo almost brings a tear to my eye, because his dial up connection just cant refresh fast enough to cope with a banshee reigning fire down on his ass. I think it might be starting to keep him awake at night........


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