Page 1 of What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

PCs & Mobiles Forum

What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 21:12

I`ve been meaning to compile a list of my favourite freeware for awhile now-
I`ve included links to the download site.
Feel free to add to the list, links as well as a brief description of the program.

My personal fave, the one I use more than any other freeware program is...
DVD Profiler
They have had some problems with their server lately, but slowly getting back to normal now.
For anyone who doesn`t know what DVD Profiler is, its a program to catalogue your DVD collection, which includes a low res scan of the cover, review of the content (be it Movie, TV show, Doc, whatever) special features on the disc plus lots of other stuff plus you can record where you got it & how much you paid for it (I never put in how much, I don`t want to worry about how much I`ve spent!) also you can print a list of you DVD's with or without cover pics, in fact the list of options in this program is nothing short of incredible. One last word regarding Profiler. One of the reasons I was put off using this before I tried it, was having to input my DVD collection because of the large number of discs I had. But that has been made very easy, because all you need to do in type in the barcode number on the back of your DVD's cover. I entered the barcode numbers for nearly 500 discs in just one Sunday afternoon. It's easy because most of the big movie studios use the same numbers at the start of the barcode, so you can cut & paste the first part of the code & just have to enter the last few numbers.
Link here

DVD Shrink
A great dvd ripper, you need Nero installed to write to a blank dvd
Link here

CDBurnerXP Pro
Freeware CD/DVD-Writer program- yes a freeware program to write cd & DVD's.
Plus this little gem does much much more. 12mb file download.
Link here

Sygate Personal Firewall
Link here

AVG Antivirus
Link here

DivX Player (with DivX codec)
Create and watch videos in the DivX video format
Link here

ID 3-TagIT
Rename MP3 files by the folder
Link here

CDex 1.51
Great MP3 Ripper
Link here

Context Magic 1.0
Context Magic is a Windows Explorer context menu extension that greatly extends the functionality of the standard `Send To` menu and allows to manage files and folders with a few mouse clicks. You can easily copy or move files to your favourite folders, open them with your favourite programs, send by email and lot more.
Link here

Free&Easy Fonts Viewer
Show every font installed on you PC
Link here

World Time Clock V 2.57
Show you the time in four city's
Link here

MultiCoverPrint 2.03
Print layout for DVD, VHS and CD covers
Link here

Google tool bar
Has a great pop up blocker too
Link here

That`s it, I can`t think of any others right now. Hope to see some of your fave freeware linked here soon. :)

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 21:20

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:26

Will second CDBurnerXPPro, AVG, Sygate and DVD Shrink; excellent software.

Remove spyware.

Spybot S+D
Another spyware remover, just to be on the safe side.

Mozilla Firefox
Wipes the floor with Internet Explorer, block pop-ups, banners, there`s tabbed browsing, you can search (Google, IMDB, amazon, etc) from the toolbar.

Open Office
Full-featured office suite.

Alternative to RealPlayer for sensible people who hate it.

Quicktime Alternative
Alternative to Quicktime.

Free ad-free Peer-to-Peer. Y`know, if you like that sort of thing...

Game Maker
Make your own computer games.

All-in-one Instant Messaging program.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th March 2004, 23:26

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

random username (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 09:33

I`ll second most of the above, I have AVG, Sygate, Firefox, Trillian, Ad Aware and Spybot, to name a few.

One I would add is Irfanview, a good basic image editor: does colour changes, slideshows, cropping, resizing etc. Haven`t got a link, but I seem to remember I got it from tucows or

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 19:43

I agree with and use most of the above. I can only really add:

shareaza: Nice p2p player, uses several networks to provide huge search results. Also the best (IMHO) bit torrent client.

Winamp 5: Good all round media player. v5 has ironed out most of the flaws of the awful v3. Good shoucast client, take up few system resources and sounds pretty good too.

Sisoft sandra: Handy dandy sys info tool.

DCDivx: Dreamcast gathering dust under the TV? Turn it into a divx player! (and Mame, SNES, N64 emulator. My DC is having a bit of a renaissance :D )

Stinger: Because i seem to be a trojan magnet recently...............


RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

antz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 20:45

Some of the above plus Kerio personal firewall
and Pochette Express
a really good cd/dvd/minidisc/video cover printer

My modest collection

This item was edited on Friday, 19th March 2004, 21:19

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

slipperysam (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th March 2004, 23:49

Yup, agree with all of the above but the one that has saved my bacon is MailWasher. Delete those uninvited emails before they get on the PC.


Edit: Got the link to work in the end.

This item was edited on Friday, 19th March 2004, 23:52

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

antz (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st March 2004, 15:02

Just checking to see if I can get dvd profiler/my collection working.

My Collection

Nope !!!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st March 2004, 15:12

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

antz (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st March 2004, 15:19

First time it didn`t it does?????? it don` it it don`t
DVD Profiler is no longer one of my favourites.

My Collection

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st March 2004, 15:25

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

fergus4 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 1st December 2004, 23:01

old thread but thanks to the original person for the recommendation for CD ex - seems to work very well.

RE: What`s your favourite freeware- here`s mine

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 2nd December 2004, 13:59

Just like to add Picasa to that list - probably one of the best photo & avi viewers available, and amazingly its free since google bought them out.

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