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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 00:17

Got new Dell Latitude D600 running Windows XP Professional. I also use Dell Dimension desktop with Win98se with Pipex Broadband connection

Q1. I need to install virus checker and firewall on the notebook. Was thinking of using free versions of AVG and Zone Alarm by downloading them on my desktop and transferring them to the laptop (been using them happily on the desktop). Can ZA and AVG cause confilict with XP Professional ?

Q2. The desktop has Pipex Broadband connection. What`s the best way to also use/install it on the notebook? The notebook has Wireless card, bluetooth and also internal 56K modem installed on it.

Q3 Are there any cheap dial in ISP using 56K modem - mostly within UK and possibly abroad

Any help/advice will be appreciated.

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 12:16

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 12:57

1. Always worth doing. I`m using AVG and ZoneAlarm on XP Home with no problem - plus, as you point out, they`re totally free.

2. Is it a USB broadband modem? If so, you can just install it and the drivers on your laptop the same way you did for your desktop. You just need to swap the modem about as you need to. Failing that, you`ll need to get a router with a built in modem. It connects to your broadband line and the PC`s connect to it. Get a wirelss ADSL (assuming Pipex is ADSL) router - you should still be able to connect your desktop to it - assuming it has a network card, and your laptop can use the wire less connect.

3. Can`t help! But you`ll go spare using 56k is you`re used to broadband. Spend the £70 on the router :D

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 09:39

Thanks Jules,
Thats a great help. I think I`ll install the USB broadband modem drivers etc to the notebook for time being then go for the wireless setup - fortunately Pipex is ADSL.. A
stupid question - are you able to access your ISP (Pipex) from desktop and notebook at the same time using two ids? Can you recommend any routers ?
Appreciate the help.

This item was edited on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 09:55

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 8th February 2004, 12:01

If you`re logging in with 2 seperate IDs then it shouldn`t be a problem - but you need to do it from seperate connections.

Router wise - you need one with a built in ADSL modem. I recommend the Netgear DG834 as a wired one. But there are plenty of others. Have a look on Ebuyer here

The best thing about Ebuyer are the customer reviews.

If it`s a wireless one, then the DG834G looks a good one too.

However, there are lots of cheaper ones around that get good reviews.

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th March 2004, 19:46

I eventually got the DG834G and had it sitting in its box for a few days.
I got it out a few mins ago only to discover the connection wasn`t for a USB port :( Spoke to Netgear Technical support and they said there was a Netgear adaptor for it. priced at £24.99 + Vat.

Now I have to go spend another £25+ . It would have been nice if it came in the box.
Or I wonder if I should return it and get another make with a USB connection.?

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th March 2004, 19:55

What is it with people and Netgear? it is cheap and s***e in most cases. Stick with bigger brands - it may well cost you a little more but it will save you stress in the long run........U.S. Robotics, 3Com, Linksys (now owned by Cisco - the worlds largest computer company by a country mile as far as DSL/Cable/Wireless goes) etc....

Don`t buy crap - and you`ll not have problems with dodgy specs etc. Don`t believe everything you read in Stuff Magazine and the rest - there`s reasons why certain brands get all the recognition IMO...if you know what I mean ;-)

JMHO by the way....


RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th March 2004, 20:26

Is there a particular reason you want to use USB as opposed to ethernet? USB uses system resources and the drivers can cause conflicts. Would it not be worth getting a network card?

If you`re talking about USB for your old modem then you don`t need it. The Netgear DG834G has a built in ADSL modem.

This item was edited on Saturday, 27th March 2004, 20:27

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th March 2004, 22:11

My pc is about 4 years old and doesn`t have an ethernet only USB connection. Someone else suggested getting a network card instead of an adaptor - are they cheap and easy to install?

Don`t get me wrong - the netgear DG834G looks great and had very good reviews (and also went for it because of built-in modem). I was more than happy to buy it but had hoped to plug it straight into my pc and start using it. I didn`t think to check if it would be compatible with my pc :(

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

random username (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th March 2004, 18:39

My ethernet card cost me 7.99 on the market, and I fitted it myself. They are probably cheaper online, but I wanted it that day. Its just a case of unscrewing one of the blanking plates on the back of the pc, and slotting it in. Then screw it on to the case. Check before you buy anything else though, that you have an empty slot of the right type, thats not obscured by anything. I did a google search for `fit ethernet card` and found some nice pictures to compare :D

RE: Help needed setting up a new Laptop (virus checker/firewall/wireless setup)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Monday, 29th March 2004, 07:47

Thanks Random username - that`s a lot cheaper than the adapter :)
took your adivse and searched under google and found some. Silly question does it have to be a certain rating type to be compatible with the netgear or will anyone do? :/
Cheers Niteowl

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