Page 1 of Help! Windows not shutting PC down

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Help! Windows not shutting PC down

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 09:40

Hi all

Formatted my PC last night using recovery disks that came with PC. All went well - Anti Virus installed, Windows Updates installed, Firewall installed, OE settings & messages all reimported - until I came to turn the PC off.

Normally Windows will turn the PC off. However, all I get now is the old

It is now safe to turn off your computer

Unfortunately the actual `Off` switch is at the back of the PC (power button at the front doesn`t do anything) and you need to be double jointed to reach the damned thing without pulling the PC out. Once the switch at the back is turned back on I still need to press the power buton on the front of the PC to get it to boot up.

Any ideas folks?



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

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RE: Help! Windows not shutting PC down

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 11:11

Are you running win 98?

have a look in the power management settings, there may be something there.
also, have a look in the bios to see if anything to do with auto off has been

btw, if you press & hold the power button on the front of your case for about
4 seconds, the pc will shut down.


This item was edited on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 11:10

RE: Help! Windows not shutting PC down

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 11:27

Hi Ste

Thanks for reply. Running XP Home. I`ll look at the BIOS when I get home. If no success I`ll try the hold the button method.



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: Help! Windows not shutting PC down

john-306 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 18:04

I had the same problem last week.

Easily sorted by....Start...Settings....control Panel...Power Options...APM...
Tick Enable Advanced Power Management

RE: Help! Windows not shutting PC down

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th January 2004, 12:21

I remember having a similar problem some time ago. I think it was fixed by downloading a patch for "Fast Shutdown"

It basically skips all the basic shut down checks and just turns off the computer in a couple of seconds.

Most fools think they are only ignorant

RE: Help! Windows not shutting PC down

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th January 2004, 13:52

BIOS was already set OK, so gave up & reformatted.

All OK now. :)



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

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