Page 1 of Simple home network sharing a blueyonder connection

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Simple home network sharing a blueyonder connection

fergus4 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 12:52


I noticed a few other threads about this, but I am looking for a bit more basic advice.
I have blueyonder broadband and their box thing is linked to my pc network card using RJ45.

I want to add another computer to this `network` - so I guess I need a router, unless 3-ended cables exist.

So how easy is this to do, and what order do things need to be connected up?

I`m using Win2k Pro, if it makes a difference.

Any help much appreciated.

RE: Simple home network sharing a blueyonder connection

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 13:21

You have two options as far as I can tell:

1) Buy a router (an Ethernet router, not an ADSL one) and hook that up to the Blueyonder box. Each of your PCs then plugs into a port on the router.

2) Install a second network card in your main PC, and connect a crossover cable between it and your other PC. The PCs can then share the connection using Internet Connection Sharing, which is built into Windows. This is a cheaper approach than buying a router, but it does mean that the main PC has to be switched on whenever the second PC needs to access the Internet.


RE: Simple home network sharing a blueyonder connection

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 11th December 2003, 18:33


I`ll agree with options Mike has pointed out. I think your best bet is to go for the router.
I bought a D-Link DI 604 for £45, it has for ports so you can add other pc`s/laptops at any time. I had a few problems setting the thing up tho`.
Although I could connect to the net with both pcs at the same time, they would`nt
talk to each other. This was due to my pc having the windows firewall enabled.
To get round this I downloaded zone alarm onto both pcs and configured it so that they were both "hidden" from the net, but could talk to each other. I disabled the windows firewall and everything works a treat.

Hope this helps.


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