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my geetar

noob (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th May 2006, 21:30

i am getting a very sexy epiphone sg 400 and it dosent fee right me being only 13 playing such a sexy geetar can anyone give me tips to make my playing better in anyway at all please. any help is appreaceated.

p.s sorry i can`t spell that good ^^

insert something cool here

RE: my geetar

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 14:04

can anyone give me tips to make my playing better in anyway at all please

practice, practice, practice.


practice some more.

Ste. that gasoline i smell?

RE: my geetar

gary white (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 19:32

Got to agree with splintercell. hours of practice is what is needed

Both my sons play guitar to a very high standard.

They both started at the age of 13. and spent hours and hours practicing
until they had sore fingers, but it was well worth the effort.

Epi SG --- good guitar, oldest son has one of these.

Good Luck


RE: my geetar

noob (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 20:13

thanks, i pratice lots more now lol

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 21:12

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