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My new favourite band

tomc66 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th January 2006, 13:49

I went to a gig last night and seen an amazing band called The Last. They have a website with mp3 demo`s on. They are defo worth a listen for any indie fan, According to the radio these guys are gonna be big and i can quite believe it. Giev them a listen

RE: My new favourite band

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 07:42

You mean you registered just to tell us all about this? How kind!

RE: My new favourite band

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 08:26

And having looked at the site it`s such a coincidence that the lead singer seems to be someone called Tom Cuthbertson.... :p

My collection

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 08:48

RE: My new favourite band

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 12:35

but they like Pink Floyd and Genesis so I`ll forgive them ;-)


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: My new favourite band

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 12:40

I am sure people would prefer it if you just said "hello Im in a band, this is our site. What do you reckon?" Rather than this cloak and dagger approch, where you will get cautgh out and slagged off. Just my thoughts.

Don`t know why I posted this as you are no doubt not here and just a One Post PonyTM Hope I am wrong.

All the best,

Dr 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: My new favourite band

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 13:39

...Oh, and according to the website, they weren`t doing a gig on Sunday the 15th of Jan (i.e. the date of your "gig last night").

...Random grammar check on the Biography page:
Heavily influenced by the bands of a bygone era such as The Beatles and The Smiths, the focus was on catchy melodies and mesmorising guitar solo's.

And tomc66 seems to have the same "Greengrocer`s Apostrophe" affliction - well well.

"One Post Pony" - nice one Dr B ;)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 13:48

RE: My new favourite band

Stuart McLean (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 20:03

Warning: an `in my day` rant to follow....

....(big breath) my day people in bands worked hard playing their music and getting a fanbase that way. Now they`re all budding melon-farming PR execs... >:(

My advice is to get off the web and go and earn some REAL fans!! >:(

RE: My new favourite band

tomc66 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 21:33

I can assure you that i am not associated with the band. I have no musical talent whatsoever . I just thought id share my thoughts on a band that i liked. However it seems i was wasting my time. I wont bother next time

In fact if this is how new users are treated i wont be posting again.

P.S its a bit sad pointing out mistakes in my grammar on my post

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 21:43

RE: My new favourite band

Alan Titherington (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 22:45

so it IS a complete coincidence that the lead singer has the same name as you!....good heavens.....wonders will never cease :-)....I hope the phrase "I have no musical talent whatsoever" won`t jump up and bite you where it hurts most mate.

My collection

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 22:46

RE: My new favourite band

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 23:28

Tom, it`s just that as this is a DVD related forum first and foremost (DVD Reviewer - geddit?), and it seems odd to register and post straight off in the (rather quiet) music forum, and in a way that suggests a "DIY marketing excercise". You can understand the conclusion - sorry if we`ve all jumped to the wrong one.

You`ll note that I actually commented on the grammar on the band`s website first and foremost - and drew atttention to your similar grammatical error (which is a common one, admittedly) as possible evidence of a link between you and the band - I did not post merely to pick holes in your grammar.
Perhaps next time you see them at a gig, you could tell them that their website doesn`t do them too many favours with the poor spelling etc - they ought to make sure they have all their gigs listed too, otherwise we`ll never know how to go and see them, will we?

EDIT - Which radio station are they being mentioned on, by the way?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th January 2006, 23:39

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