Page 1 of Help!!!!! Scan SC 2000 Firmware Upgrade

Hardware Forum

Help!!!!! Scan SC 2000 Firmware Upgrade

chris4510 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 15:30

Hi Chaps can anyone help me,i need to burn the upgrade onto disc,whats the easiest program to use and what are the settings,cheers Chris.
PS i have tried cdrwin(but dont know how to work it)

RE: Help!!!!! Scan SC 2000 Firmware Upgrade

Duncan (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th November 2000, 18:46

I would wait for a while - sent stu a copy and he upgraded his machine - then it all turned to s*** and he can`t even get it to come on.
Mine upgraded correctly (using the same burning software) so don`t know why it failed for him (yet)

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