Info and forum posts by 'Duncan'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 24th November 2000, 19:11, Last used: Friday, 24th November 2000, 19:11

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SC2000 - Nelly - Can You Fix it???

The problem does not relate to copied disks - it`s the originals that don`t work... and yes I have the latest software 204S

SC2000 - Nelly - Can You Fix it???

Why does my SC2000 not detect certain audio disks when inserted??

I get the `NO DISK` message. The disks are new (no scratches) and work on all other cd players/computers.

I have made a `RAW` copy of the disks and the copy plays ok.

any comments............

SCAN SC 2000 CD Problems

Have upgraded to version 204s and expected the No disk problem to have gone away.

Are there any other owners with this problem?

the disks that I have checked and don`t work (drive churns for a while - then no disk message) are:

The best sixties album in the world 1 / 2 & 3 (all 6 disks!)
(probably many more as well)

The disks are new and in mint condition and I have read them and re-writted them (Raw so as to create an exact duplicate). - the copy works fine.
This leads me to think that the problem may be some sort of optical issue - any comments?

RE: Help!!!!! Scan SC 2000 Firmware Upgrade

I would wait for a while - sent stu a copy and he upgraded his machine - then it all turned to s*** and he can`t even get it to come on.
Mine upgraded correctly (using the same burning software) so don`t know why it failed for him (yet)

RE: update to SCAN 2000 DVD UPGRADE

Finally sussed it - it seems like the DVD upgrade will not work if written by nero or electroson gear, but works with CDRWin!
Ignore the notes thought - Write as a mode1 CD and not an XA format.

The upgrade (V191) seems to have fixed quite a few problems - the only remaining problems I have noticed are the following:

1) When reading certain MP3 tracks, it does not display the MP3 Tag
2) Some MP3 files are distorted (Right hand channel only)
3) The new feature of skipping through MP3`s sometimes gets upset and results in a sort of audio looping until play is pressed

One major bugfix is that I have had no lock-ups or freezes 1 sec into tracks though. All in all this is an excellent product although it still needs some work - it is a sign of the times these days with the advent of flash memory, most manufacturers seem to think it is a license to offload products that have not been tested and debugged on unfortunate suppliers like SCAN.
I sympathise with the position that SCAN is in and I am glad that they have provided support in the way of updates - who knows maybe all issues will be ironed out before christmas.

update to SCAN 2000 DVD UPGRADE

Have now tried Nero5 and Gear to write the upgrade CD but don`t seem to work(tried every way possible - even hanging upside down from the ceiling!!!). Can anyone that has managed to upgrade send me an ISO of the disk???

Thanks in advance

Need advice on SCAN 2000 DVD UPGRADE

Can anyone help me? perhaps i`m missing something in the pigeon english text files that accompany the firmware upgrades (Both 180 and 191)

I currently have a player with version 164 and am experiencing lock-ups usually 1 second into mp3`s, loss of mp3 file info on the scrolling line at the bottom of the screen and a few other related problems.

nelly has kindly sent me both firmware upgrade files very promptly but when I insert the written CD into the DVD I either get 00:08 in the VFD and can only try to play the file?! when the CD is written as mode1/XA
If I write the upgrade as a mode1 standard CD, the disk is just ejected and I never get the `WRITING` OSD message.