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Running in a sub

spenny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2002, 16:00

I`ve just bought a Yamaha YST-SW320 and was wondering do I need to run it in?


RE: Running in a sub

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 10:19

I don`t know about running in, but my REL Q50 always takes a while to `settle down` again when it`s been moved... The first week I had it it sounded awful, but then after it had settled (and the levels were carefully set for its position) it sounded really sweet.

With subs, I always tell people, don`t expect it to sound brilliant straight away.


RE: Running in a sub

Westy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 10:30


The best way for me is not to go mad with it at first, i just waited until the night i had it, swithched it on and let some music play at VERY LOW VOLUME whilst i was kipping, and then let it run until i came home from work the next evening - this loosens up the driver and warms the amp up as its been sitting in some cold warehouse for god knows how long.
Don`t put it in a corner, my experience is that you should put it on the outside of one of your front speakers(preferably the right speaker as the port blows air out to the right of the unit), and angle it so it faces the `toe in` direction of the main speaker- this will prevent standing waves bouncing from walls facing directly to each other.
Then just let it rip! Try a full on bass fest like the opening of The Mummy Returns, it`ll really show it off.
Tip. Movies sound better in Music mode and vice versa, and always set the phase control to norm as the driver sounds awful in reverse phase due to the downfiring port.

Hope this helps


RE: Running in a sub

spenny (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 20:50

Thanks guys for your help. As soon as I got the sub I unpacked it and left it at room temperature for a good few hours, then I switched it on and played some music for an hour or so. I`ll put a CD on repeat and leave it to play at low level all day before setting it up properly.
Interesting tip with the music and movie modes Westy, and what you say about the phase switch is the exact opposite to the manual but I`ll take your advice as I bought the sub on your many recommendations (has Yamaha offered you commission yet?)!

Thanks Again
All the best


RE: Running in a sub

Ant-dvds (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 00:19

i personally didnt like this sub, i found it a bit boomy.
I auditoned this against a number of subs (my favourite being the rel q150) and found the yams to be very disappointing.

RE: Running in a sub

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 11:19


Have to disagree with you on that one Ants. Subs need careful tweaking and integration into your system, and the Rel and Yamaha are two different designs (sealed box and front firing driver on rel, ported and downfiring on Yammy).

Set up the Yamaha correctly and it`ll punch like the best of them. I always try and get a home demo with all kit i buy, makes a huge difference - some demo`s at hifi shops are not all they seem - i`ve had some shockers!!

Still, personal opinion counts, and indeed the Rel 150 is great, but buying the Yam means you save £150 and if you take the time and effort to set it up - you`ll get the same performance too!


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