Page 1 of JMB 3000 ... ( No Disc )

Hardware Forum

JMB 3000 ... ( No Disc )

Shogun (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th April 2002, 15:39

Can anyone throw any light on my problem ? ... I have a JMB 3000 DVD Player which keeps putting up the " No Disc " report every time I insert a disc. I have had a look at the operation with the player top of and all that happens when I insert a disc is that it spins about 3 times and I get the no disc message. I did put the Region free hack in, from this site, and up until this I have had no problems. The player had been switched off for about 3 weks whilst I was decorating and the problem has only occurred since I switched it back on !!

Could it be a " Dew " factor ( although there are no indications ) or is it the laser thats gone kaput ?? ... would welcome any views.

Cheers ...

RE: JMB 3000 ... ( No Disc )

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th April 2002, 17:41

Sounds like a faulty loader to me : does it happen on all discs or just one (sometimes a slightly off-centre disc can cause it, believe it or not).

If it`s all discs, I`d return the unit to vendor and get a replacement if poss.

RE: JMB 3000 ... ( No Disc )

Shogun (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th April 2002, 18:36

Naw it`s all discs ... thanks mate. I have had it for over a year so no chance of returning it ... DOH , never had any probs with it until I left it off for all that time. Am going to leave it on all night and see if it works 2morra ... thanks for your input.

RE: JMB 3000 ... ( No Disc )

Shogun (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 18th April 2002, 15:44

Cheers for that clayts .. It must have been stuck !! i stripeed the unit down again, put the power on and gave the disc a whirl or two with my finger and away it went .. playing brilliantly now. Many thanks for your solution

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